Personne nageant dans une piscine


Aquatraining & Aquafitness: Discover these Two Toning Sports!

Reading time : 6 min


Aquatraining And aquafitness are both practiced in pool. The concept is not the same, but the benefits they are enough similar : you strengthen your muscles while improving your cardio.


Aquatraining blend several aquatic activities in the form of workshops. While aquafitness is a variation of aquagym inspired by group lessons fitness.


Aquafitness, what exactly is it?

If you are familiar with group fitness classes, know that aquafitness is not very far from them. With aquafitness you perform different muscle strengthening exercises in a swimming pool.


It's about a more invigorating alternative to aquagym, but gentler than classic fitness. The movements are done to the rhythm of the music.


A coach is also there for to advise you and to give the exercise sequences.


THE exercises are varied and are done in a basin or a pool a little deep. There water pressure allows you to make more intense effort without necessarily realizing it.


Aquafitness sessions are playful so you can have fun. THE pace of each session increases little by little, everyone can then find their way around this practice!


Is there a difference between aquagym and aquafitness?

The difference between aquagym and aquafitness is simple: aquafitness is more invigorating and more intense than aquagym.


The rhythm is more sustained. For what ? Because with aquafitness, you do a series of exercises muscle strengthening. While with aquagym, you make gymnastic movements to work smoothly.


How does an aquafitness session take place?

An aquafitness session generally lasts between 40 and 50 minutes according to the cadence. To attend, you need your swimsuit, a towel and possibly a Bathing cap.


Aquafitness classes begin always by one warming up in the swimming pool. The goal is to prepare your body for exercise.


Once warm-up is over, you move on to exercises. You realize different movements to strengthen thighs, abs, shoulders, etc.


Once the session finished, you take a few minutes to stretch yourself calmly.


What exercises are performed during an aquafitness class?

For exercises warm-up, you go for example skip Or trot on site, make knee raises, carry out circles with your arms to warm up the shoulders, etc.


During the course, the exercises are quite diverse: race, jumps, knee raises, kicking, scissors, etc. Different movements that use all the muscles of the body.


The exercises are also done with accessories, they make the course more fun and add a little more difficulty.


The main accessories used

To spice up your aquafitness session, you will use accessories like:

  • Of the elastic
  • Of the balloons
  • Of the foam fries
  • Of the dumbbells
  • Of the steppers
  • Of the floats
  • Of the boards


Of course, They are not the only ones, there are others, but these are the ones that are most often used for aquafitness!


And what is aquatraining?

Different from aquafitness, aquatraining is an activity that combines aquajumping, aquarunning, aquabike and aquagym. In the form of workshops, you carry out exercises from these different disciplines.


You do each workshop for 45 minutes, for a mix of muscle strengthening and cardiovascular work.


This activity is practiced in swimming pool with water coming to you up to the shoulders. The movements seem easier, but don't be fooled! There water resistance request more effort to your body.


The sequence of workshops without breaks coupled with the water resistance makes aquatraining an ideal sport for burn as many calories as possible.


Aquatraining or aquabike?

Aquabike is a sport in its own right that you are required to practice during an aquatraining class.


Aquabike simply consists of pedaling a bike immersed in water. YOU vary the pace, the positions, However you do not practice other activities as is the case during an aquatraining class.


Aquabike is cycling, only cycling, you can use some accessories to vary the exercises, but everything happens around aquabike.


THE two disciplines are very interesting for spend yourself And tone your figure. The benefits are similar, but it is training format that varies.


How does an aquatraining session work?

A tough aquatraining session on average 45 minutes and takes place in Group. The sessions are guided by a coach And rhythmic in music to help you let off steam.


During a course, you will generally alternate between 3 or 4 different workshops, Or each workshop represents a discipline. They change of session in session, in order to make the courses more varied. 


As with any other sport, you start always by the warm-up during about 5 to 10 minutes. Then when you are ready you can start the workshops.


THE 4 disciplines that you find most of the time in the different workshops are:

  • Aquabike
  • Aquajump
  • Water aerobics
  • Aquarunning


An aquabike workshop

Installed on your aquabike, you pedal by varying rhythms and positions : slow, fast, accelerations, dancing, etc.


With this activity you mainly work on lower body (thighs, calves) and abs. Your cardio is also put to the test.


An aquajump workshop

With the aquajump, you will do different types of jumps on a trampoline immersed at the bottom of the pool.


You will mainly solicit your abs, thighs, glutes and the lower back.


An aquagym workshop

Aquagym focuses on muscle strengthening of the whole body. By mixing gym and aerobic movements, you work the different muscle groups.


An aquarunning workshop

For this workshop, you sit on a treadmill immersed in water. There is no no engine, these are your legs which set the tempo by reproducing the same movements that in running.


When running on this mat, you will feel your calves and your thighs who work. Aquarunning will also challenge your cardiovascular capacities.


The workshops continue without a break, the goal is to work on your endurance and cardio while strengthening your muscles.


Obviously these 4 workshops are not exhaustive, you can also have workshops with aquastep, of aquaboxing, of aquafitness, etc.


Once the session finished, you end up with a few minutes of stretching to avoid the appearance of aches.


Aquatraining & aquafitness, what are the benefits?

Aquatraining And aquafitness are two water sports full of benefits. They allow you to:

  • Build muscle, tone And refine your silhouette.
  • Improve your cardio and your endurance.
  • Practice a sport without risk of injury.
  • Work your muscles in depth thanks to the resistance of water.
  • Do not traumatize your joints.
  • Burn a maximum of calories.
  • Promote your blood circulation thanks to the water pressure.
  • Reduce cellulite with the massaging effect provided by the water.
  • Do an activity without have some body aches.
  • Improve your balance and your flexibility.
  • Reduce sleep problems and therefore sleep better.


These two water sports are also ideal for:

  • Practice a gentle activity in complement to another sport.
  • Feel a feeling of well-being at the end of your sessions.
  • surpass yourself thanks to the group effect.
  • Release the stress And anxiety by letting go.


How often should you practice aquatraining and aquafitness?

To benefit from all their benefits, you must be constant in your practice. Approximately 2 to 3 sessions per week are enough to observe the results.


With a Healthy eating, A healthy lifestyle and one good sleep, you will see the first changes at the end of 1 to 2 months.


Who are these two activities aimed at?

No matter your age or level, aquatraining and aquafitness are made for you. They are accessible to everyone !


The movements can easily adapt to everyone and the coaches are there for help you. Some courses are even open to future mothers.


These two sports are often recommended for those who have back problems or overweight.


They also allow return to sport gently after one injury or a operation.


However, if you suffer from heart problems Or respiratory, YOU cannot practice aquatraining and aquafitness.


If you have small health problems and you are not sure if you can take the plunge, Ask for your doctor's opinion.


Aquatraining & aquafitness in a few words

Aquatraining is an aquatic activity that mixes different disciplines to burn as many calories as possible. A combo, muscle strengthening And cardio, perfect for letting off steam.


As for aquafitness, it is an aquatic activity inspired by group fitness classes. You chain the muscle strengthening exercises to the rhythm of the music and the coaches.


These two practices are accessible to everyone. They allow you to practice a fun sport and while candy thanks to benefits of water. Nothing better to do good for your body and mind!


Do you want to discover other aquatic activities?

We have already mentioned a few in this article, but there are still more many others : aquajogging, aquazumba, etc.


The list is long, so to know more, meeting on our article which deals with different water sports.


Aquatraining at Aqua by

At the house of Aqua by aquatic sports are our domain, especially aquabike. We invite you to discover group lessons of coached aquabikes, and rhythmed to music, in the good mood.


And as we want unwind aquabike, we propose to you a whole bunch of sessions, of which aquatraining. Okay, we just renamed it aqua cross training, don't blame us...


The goal is simply the same as aquatraining: alternate between different workshops (aquagym, aquafitness, aquaboxing, etc.) in the format of circuit training.


So, if you want to let off steam, book your aqua cross-training session and join us at Aqua by in one of our Parisian studios or to Boulogne !


Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.