Exercices aquagym : une femme dans l'eau en train de faire un exercice pour les abdos


Aquagym exercises: our 10 favorites for gently strengthening your body

Reading time : 10 min


Not a fan of group aquagym classes? Do not panic ! There is a lot exercises that you can do anything alone at the swimming pool.


Butterfly, leg raises, lunges, etc. Whether for the upper body as for the lower body, you have plenty to do. In addition, there is something for all tastes and for all ages.


So, if you are looking for aquagym exercises to do at the swimming pool, you are in the right place! We have put together a list of our favorite moves! Here we go, let's watch it together!


The benefits of aquagym exercises

Aquagym is a very good sport to strengthen your muscles without shocks. The reason is simple, water makes you float. Your bones, joints and muscles are therefore relieved, because you feel less of the weight of your body.


In the water, the resistance is stronger than that exerted by the air. Who says more resistance, therefore says more of effort for your muscles. This is why many swimmers have slender and muscular figures.


And that's precisely the whole point of aquagym exercises: to work your muscles thanks to the water resistance. But it’s not just good for your muscles! It’s good for your overall health.


In addition to helping you burn calories, to improve your blood circulation and request your heart, aquagym movements will also improve your:

  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Etc.


Aquatic fitness doesn't stop at these benefits alone. This is why we wrote you an article on benefits of aquagym ! So if you want to know everything, we invite you to take a quick look.


In the meantime, it’s time to get to the heart of the matter: the aquagym exercises ! We have prepared you 10 movements to try to work the upper body and lower body.


Aquagym exercises to strengthen the upper body

1. Pumps

Make pumps in water, it's not the same as doing push-ups on the floor. Here's how you should go about it:

  • Stand facing the edge of the pool
  • The water should reach waist level or a little higher.
  • Place your hands on the edge
  • Your elbows should align horizontally with your shoulders
  • Your legs are stretched and you touch the bottom of the pool
  • Take a slight push on your legs as if to jump
  • When your body starts to come out of the water, push up on your hands
  • Extend your arms until your waist is out of the water and your elbows are almost locked
  • Then, lower yourself by bending your elbows and return to the basic position


You can do this water aerobics exercise for approximately 30 seconds. If you feel like it's too hard, go down to 20 seconds. And if that's too easy, go up to 40 seconds. And for the number of series, make it between 3 and 5.


Aquatic pumps will mainly work on your triceps, your shoulders, your pectorals and lightly your upper back. Ideal for toning your upper body and gaining strength!


2. The twist

To perform this exercise which will strengthen your abs (especially your obliques), this is how you should do it:

  • Stand up in the water
  • The water should come up to about your chest.
  • Spread your feet hip width apart
  • Stretch your arms out to the side
  • Turn your torso from right to left (a bit like a top) while keeping your pelvis fixed
  • Follow the movement with your arms and your gaze


If you want toughen A little things, you can also get into a lunge position. Bend your legs a little, like this, your arm are under water. You will therefore have more resistance at arm level!


You can do this movement for 40 seconds. And as for push-ups, increase or decrease the working time according to your feelings!


In addition to working on your obliques, this movement will also help you relax your column and gain mobility at the level of lower back.


3. The starfish

You have probably already done the starfish at the beach or at the swimming pool… This time, you are going to do it, but with the aim of working on your abs and your glutes. For that :

  • Let yourself float horizontally in the water
  • Grow while staying relaxed
  • Spread your legs and arms to make a starfish
  • Your head should be aligned with your spine
  • Look towards the ceiling and keep your chin above the water
  • Tighten your abs and glutes tightly to keep your pelvis on the surface
  • Hold the position while remaining covered


If you feel it's too easy, you can Spice up exercise. Bring your arms against your body and your legs between them. Your starfish therefore transforms into plank and becomes harder to hold!


To really feel your abs and glutes working, do several sets of 30 seconds to 2 minutes, or even more if you can do it.


4. The butterfly

Not to be confused with butterfly swimming, this exercise will target your pectorals, your shoulders and your back. To achieve it, here is how to do it:

  • Stand in the water
  • The water should reach at least chest level
  • Your feet are touching the bottom and your legs are bent
  • When bending your legs, your shoulders should be under the water
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you horizontally
  • Tighten your abs well to be stable
  • Spread your arms backwards as if to form a T
  • Then bring them back in front of you while keeping them tense
  • Instead of putting your hands together, you will cross your arms
  • Then send your arms back again
  • If necessary, get into a lunge position to be more stable


The faster you do movements, the harder the exercise will be! And for more resistance, you can open your palms of the hand instead of them looking at the ground.


The butterfly will also solicit your abdominal strap since you will have to resist to remain stable. So it's a very good exercise for the upper body.


We advise you to do 30 seconds then rest a little before heading back to 3 or 4 others series.


Now that we've seen how to work the upper body, it's time to tackle the lower body !


Aquagym exercises to work the lower body

5. The bike

So no, for this exercise you are not going to be on a bike, but you are going to pretend that you are. For that :

  • Stand with your back to the edge of the pool
  • Place your arms along the edge if you want
  • Get into a chair position
  • Your legs are bent at 90° and at the level of your pelvis
  • Then you just have to pedal like on a bike
  • Make circular movements with your legs


You can vary exercise by changing sense, of pace and spreading your legs. You can even do it within yourself moving in the water using your hands.


You can also cycle by putting yourself seated on the scale of the swimming pool. It will be a little more comfortable than against the edge of the pool.


Could you do 40 seconds to 1 minute work before taking a short break to continue 2 to 3 sets in total.


This aquagym exercise will help you tone your thighs, your glutes and a little your abs. In addition, with the pedaling movement, the water will offer you a anti-cellulite massage ! A bit as if you were doing aquabike finally.


6. Leg kicks

A classic swimming exercise, leg kicks are great for strengthening your legs and the lower back. To make them, it's very easy:

  • Let yourself float horizontally in the water
  • Your arms and legs are tense
  • All you have to do is kick your legs like swimming
  • Focus on the movement so that it is as smooth as possible


For this exercise, you can do leg kicks against the poolside leaning on it with outstretched arms. Or alternatively, you can simply do it by swimming with your arms outstretched in front of you. On the back as well as on the stomach for that matter.


Could you do 30 seconds beats at speed normal, followed by 10 seconds fast. Make approximately 4 to 5 sets to really feel your legs working.


Kicking will not only strengthen your lower body muscles, but will also improve your endurance. And if you also have good technique, you will perfect your swimming!


7. Leg raises

To do this aquagym exercise which works the outer part of your thighs, here's how you should go about it:

  • Stand up in the water
  • The water must reach you at least at the level of the pool
  • Spread your legs shoulder width apart
  • Put your hands on your hips
  • Raise one leg as high as you can
  • Then bring that leg back and alternate with the other leg
  • To be more stable, you can also hold on to the edge


And if you want to vary the exercise, you can raise your leg in front of you, behind you or even make circles.


With leg raises, the goal is to move your upper body as little as possible. Avoid bending or arching. Try to stay sheathed to have your back straight and be stable.


You can do between 15 and 30 movements per leg according to your feelings. Take a few seconds of rest once you've done each leg. Repeat the exercise 3 to 4 times.


Above all, you will strengthen the abductors, muscles that allow you to spread your thighs. But you will also request the glutes and your abdominal strap.


8. Lunges

Lunges are excellent for working your thighs and your glutes, in and out of the water. To perform this aquagym exercise, here is how to do it:

  • Stand up in the water
  • The water should come up to about your waist.
  • Spread your legs shoulder width apart
  • Place your hands on your hips
  • Take a step forward by bending your knee 90°
  • Your leg that is not moving will naturally bend into a lunge
  • Bring your front leg towards you to the starting position
  • Do the same movement with the other leg


To vary the exercise, you can take a step towards the back rather than towards the front. You can also do the lunges by moving forward in water or jumping to make the movement more challenging.


The more your not will be big, the more you will request the glutes and the hamstrings (back of thighs). Whereas, the more your not will be small, the more you will work the quadriceps (front of thighs).


Make approximately between 20 and 30 slots in total (so 10 to 15 per leg) before taking a little rest. Complete this exercise 2 to 3 times to properly exercise the lower body.


9. Kicks

This exercise is a bit like shooting a ball, but in water... To do it, here's how to do it:

  • Stand up in the water
  • The water should be up to your waist
  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend your knees a little
  • Put your hands on your hips
  • Tighten your abs well to be toned
  • Slightly raise the knee of one leg to make a right angle
  • Then straighten your leg to kick into the water
  • Bring the leg back and do the same movement with the other leg
  • You can also do several repetitions with the same leg and change


To vary the movement a little, you can do it with both legs at the same time by jumping into the water or holding on to the edge of the pool.


Make approximately 30 to 40 seconds with a rhythm normal, Then 10 seconds most quickly possible. Take a short break and continue the exercise 3 to 4 times.


This aquagym exercise is great for toning your quadriceps, your hamstrings and also a little of your calves. And you will even have a little anti-cellulite massage offered by water. Isn't that beautiful?


10. Heels-butts

You've probably already done heels and butts when you were younger in sports class. Well for aquagym, the principle is the same:

  • Stand up in the water
  • The water should be at least waist deep
  • Keep your arms alongside your body
  • Bring your heels to your buttocks by bending your knee and running in place
  • Alternate each leg as if you were running
  • Do this exercise in place or moving forward and backward in the water


There exists a variant, THE kickback. You stay in place and instead of bending your knee, you will keep your leg outstretched for more resistance. You send your leg backwards as if to lift it out of the water.


Could you do 30 seconds to 1 minute heels-buttocks in place or while moving, as you prefer. Take a few seconds of rest and continue. In total you can do between 4 and 5 sets.


This aquagym exercise will strengthen your thighs (hamstrings and quadriceps). But it will also do to go up a little your heartbeat. So perfect for working the heart!


OK, so far we've seen 10 simple exercises to do alone at the pool. But you can add a little more challenge and of resistance using a few accessories !


Aquagym exercises with equipment

The advantage of using equipment for your aquagym exercises is that you will work even more your muscles. For what ? Well because there will be more resistance and difficulty.


To spice up your aquagym exercises, you can use accessories like:

  • A French fry
  • Dumbbells
  • A swimming board


Aquagym with fries

You can use foam fries as a support or for add resistance in water. You can do exercises like rowing, twist, etc.


Here is an example of an aquagym exercise to work the abs with a fry:

  • Place a fry under each arm
  • Get into a sitting position
  • Keep your legs straight
  • Bring your knees toward your chest, keeping a 90° angle.
  • Then straighten your legs again and start again


For more of a challenge, keep your legs straight and bring your feet to the surface and toward you.


Aquagym with dumbbells

To add resistance in the water, there is nothing better than dumbbells! You will be able to work the muscles of the upper body.


With some foam dumbbells or in plastic, you can do exercises like shoulder raises, back rows, etc.


Here is an idea for an exercise with dumbbells to tone your arms and shoulders:

  • Stand up in the water
  • The water should be around your shoulders.
  • The dumbbells are in your hands alongside your hips
  • Keep your elbows close to your body
  • Bend your elbow to raise the dumbbells to your shoulders
  • Then do an extension to bring them back down
  • Alternate upward and downward movements
  • You can do both arms at the same time or one after the other


Aquagym with a swimming board

You can use a swimming board to intensify work in water. You can also use it for yourself stabilize on the surface for certain exercises.


The swimming board can, for example, help you with kicks or upper body exercises.


Here is an example of an aquagym exercise with a board to tone your arms, shoulders and back:

  • Stand up in the water
  • The water should reach at least your shoulders
  • Bend your legs a little
  • Keep your back straight
  • Your shoulders and arms are underwater
  • Hold the plank on each side and extend your arms out in front of you
  • Bring the board towards your chest, keeping your elbows at your sides
  • Repeat the movement by straightening your arms and bringing them back



There is lots of aquagym exercises which will help you tone your muscles. Whether for the upper body (twist, butterfly, etc.), or the lower body (lunges, leg lifts, etc.), you have the choice!


With a good Alimentation and a good recovery, you will easily and quickly see results ! Anyway, there is no secret, to refine your figure you must be regular.


What if you took up aquabiking?

Aquagym is an activity that requires your muscles gently and without aches. But this is also the case with aquabike ! So, if you want to change a little, come and try aquabiking at Aqua by!


At the house of Aqua by, we invite you to discover aquacycling from a new angle. You will experience a real moment of escape and of relaxation thanks to the benefits of water.


Our sessions are complete, arms, abs, glutes, thighs, nothing is forgotten. And to make it fun, we have lots of varied sessions (aquacross, aquapalming, etc.)!


Of course, a coach accompanies you in each of your lessons. Motivating and listening to you, they are there to help you to give everything while having fun.


At the house of Aqua by, everyone in their place. It is not no question of level! THE sessions are accessible to everyone, whether you have already done aquabiking or not.


To enhance everything, sauna And hammam await you at the end of the session. Nothing better to end your course with a moment of well-being


So, if the Aqua by adventure makes you want it, book your aquabike session and come and take the plunge!


Our 4 studios located at Paris (Charonne, Réaumur, Bastille) and Boulogne are ready to welcome you for a real sporting experience.



welcome pack

1 session purchased = 1 free


That is 26 credits which will allow you to complete at least two sessions* of your choice from among our 6 activities.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)


Shareable subscription

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is a busy week preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.


The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Les tarifs et crédits Aqua by
Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

With credits, you can benefit from lower rates on times with less demand and, in general, rates are more advantageous today than before.