Personnes pratiquant un sport aquatique


Water Sports: 15 Activities to Try in the Pool

Reading time : 6 min


From water sports the best known, we can cite the swimming, there synchronized swimming where the water polo. But for several years new water activities developed.


Aquagym, aquabike, aquaboxing, etc. All of these sports may not be familiar to you, but know that there is one multitude (and they are all good for your health)!


The main water sports to practice in a swimming pool

Water sports the most practiced in swimming pools are in particular the sports that can be done in competition : swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized swimming, etc.


There are also now many other water activities not intended for competition. They are practiced in swimming pool, but some can Also to do at sea.


1. Aquabike

Aquabike is a sport where you pedal a bike submerged in water. You can practice aquabike in collective lesson or individually in the cabin.


This practice takes place in a pool where the water you usually get to the size or to shoulders.


On the bike you vary the intensities to work on your legs, but also to put your cardio to the test.


To become an expert on aquabike, we invite you to read our article specially dedicated to aquabike and its benefits !


2. Aquagym

Aquagym is surely one of the water sports the most famous. As its name suggests, it is aquatic gym, you mix gym exercises And aerobic exercises in water.


Aquagym is done in a pool where you stand, because the goal is to be able to perform movements that will target your whole body.


Aquagym is a mix between muscle strengthening and stress on your system cardiovascular.


Do you want more information about aquatic gymnastics? No worries, we have what you need! Our article on the benefits of aquagym is made for you.


3. Aquafitness

Aquafitness is a derivative of aquagym which is inspired by group fitness classes found in the gym.


You chain fitness exercises in the water, with a pace more tonic and more supported than aquagym.


Here too you tone your figure while putting your cardio to the test.


For more details, we invite you to take a look at our article on the practice of aquafitness !


4. Aquajogging

With aquajogging you reproduce the running movements, but in a deep water, Or you have no footing. Don't panic, one flotation belt keeps you on the surface.


It's a gentle alternative to running which helps to improve your running posture. Aquajogging mainly uses your abs as well as the muscles of your legs.


We explain all this to you more precisely in our article on aqua jogging.


5. Aquarunning

Aquarunning is different from aqua jogging, here you run on a treadmill immersed in a basin. He has not no engine, but small cylinders which work using your legs when you walk or run.


The different exercises performed during aquarunning solicit mainly your abs as well as your thighs, calves And glutes.


To discover this aquatic sport in depth, head to our article on aquarunning and its benefits.


6. Aquazumba

You probably already know the Zumba, well aquazumba it's the same thing, but in water ! You chain different choreographies in a basin with water up to his waist.


On the Latin music tunes, aquazumba allows you to work the whole body in good spirits.


If you want to discover this aquatic activity, we invite you to read our article on aquazumba !


7. Aquaboxing

Aquaboxing mixes movements of different combat sports and Martial Arts in water. Aquaboxing is practiced with foam gloves which allow us to add more resistance.


This is a variation of aquagym inspired by body combat. The goal is to tone your muscles while improving your cardiovascular endurance.


Want more information? Meeting on our article dedicated to the practice of aquaboxing !


8. Aquastep

It's simply step, but in a aquatic environment. Inspired by the step practiced in fitness rooms, you chain together movements on a step plunged to the bottom of the pool.


The different choreographies will mainly strengthen your lower body muscles as well as your abdominal strap.


For more details, go to our article dedicated to aquastep.


9. Aquapilates

Aquapilates is a water sport that helps to work the muscles in depth with some core exercises focusing on the breathing.


It helps you to gain flexibility through stretching, but also strengthen your deep muscles.


Our article on aquapilates is here to enlighten you on this aquatic activity.


10. Aquapalming

Aquapalming is a water sport that combines water aerobics And swimming with some flippers. You carry out beats and undulations In different positions focusing on the movement of your legs.


Aquapalming, also called aquafin, allows you to work on your abdominal strap, but above all your thighs as well as your glutes.


To find out more about this activity, our article on aquapalming in the pool is made for you !


11. Aquados

It's about a variation of aquagym mainly intended for strengthen your back muscles. Aquados allows you to prevent or relieve THE back pain.


Aquados aims above all to bring you more comfort and of relaxation on a daily basis, helping you to have a more mobile back And more stable.


Want more information? In this case, we suggest you take a look at our article on aquados and its benefits.


12. Aquapower

Inspired by the body pump, the aquapower consists of different exercises made with bars And dumbbells in water.


The movements focus on the muscle strengthening to help you tone your figure, but you also request your cardio.


To discover this water sport, you can go to our article dedicated to the practice of aquapower.


13. Aquastretching

With aquastretching, you achieve stretching exercises in a pool. The water allows you to make wider movements that help you gain flexibility and in mobility.


Aquastretching mainly focuses on relaxation of your body and on your breathing. All areas of your body will be used (back, thighs, lower back, etc.).


If you want more details about this water sport, you can read our article on aquastretching !


14. Aquatraining

Aquatraining is a mixture of several aquatic activities (aquabike, aquaboxing, etc.) in the form workshops. Each workshop includes exercises from an activity.


A bit like a circuit training training, you follow each workshop without a break. Aquatraining is ideal for strengthen all your muscles and improve your endurance.


For more information, direction our article on aquatraining and its benefits.


15. Aqua yoga

You will have understood, it is a form of yoga practiced in water. You carry out gentle movements with some breathing exercises And stretching.


The movements will help you gain flexibility all in relaxation. Aqua yoga strengthens your abdominal strap and your deep muscles.


To explore the concept in more detail, take a look at our article on aqua yoga.


The benefits of water sports

Now that we have presented you with the 15 main water sports to practice in the swimming pool, we can tell you about their benefits.


Most have similar benefits:

  • YOU burn a lot of calories.
  • YOU don't risk getting hurt.
  • Your joints do not suffer no shocks.
  • The massaging effect water helps you eliminate cellulite.
  • YOU strengthen your whole body in candy.
  • Practicing a water sport helps you relax.
  • You feel a feeling of well-being after each session.
  • There are only very few contraindications (allergy, water phobia, etc.).
  • There water resistance makes more intense effort.
  • You improve your balance and your coordination.
  • Water sports are accessible to everyone.
  • YOU win in mobility and in flexibility.
  • Your cardiovascular capacities and your endurance are reinforced.
  • In the water the body East lighter, THE movements thereby are simpler.
  • Classes are held in Group in the good mood, what helps you surpass yourself.
  • The draining action of water allows promote your blood circulation.


The difference between water sports and water sports

THE water sports are sports that are practiced in water, such as swimming, diving or aquagym. It is your body that you allows us to move forward or do the movements.


Conversely, the nautical sports are sports that are practiced on the water, such as water skiing, surfing, windsurfing or stand-up paddleboarding. And it's not your body who comes into play to move Or To advance.



There exists a multitude of water sports : aquagym, aquapower, aquaboxing, etc. Test them and find the one that suits you best to enjoy your practice!


To enjoy all the benefits of these water sports, you must be regular in your practice. So, all the more reason to do an activity you love.


In addition, water sports are sometimes even suitable for pregnant women, or to people with fragile joints. So, why deprive yourself of a sport that is good for your health?


Do you want to test the aquabike at Aqua by?

And why not start with aquabike ? At Aqua by us let's vary the lessons to make this activity more fun.


AquaCross, Performing, AquaHIIT, CAF, Aquapalming are the different sessions derived from aquabike that we invite you to discover.


And if you want directly take the plunge with the aquabike, you can book your aquabike session and come join us!

We are waiting for you dive into the deep end in one of our studios located at Paris 11, Paris 3 or to Boulogne.



welcome pack

1 session purchased = 1 free


That is 26 credits which will allow you to complete at least two sessions* of your choice from among our 6 activities.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)


Shareable subscription

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is a busy week preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.


The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Les tarifs et crédits Aqua by
Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

With credits, you can benefit from lower rates on times with less demand and, in general, rates are more advantageous today than before.