
What sport to practice with a herniated disc?

Reading time : 2 min


Do you suffer from a herniated disc and are wondering if you can return to sporting activity? Practicing a sport in the event of a herniated disc should not be taken lightly. But it is far from impossible, quite the contrary! Regular physical activity is one of the best remedies for back pain, as long as you go slowly. So why deprive yourself of it? Here's everything you need to know about playing sports with a herniated disc.

Sport and herniated disc

Why exercise to relieve back pain?

By following a few instructions, practicing a sport with a herniated disc can be very beneficial in combating back pain. In fact, a lack of physical activity can worsen your lower back pain. ​Practicing a gentle sport is an excellent way to strengthen your paraspinal and abdominal muscles which protect your back, including your intervertebral discs.. ​This way, you preserve your entire spine.

Practicing a sport with a herniated disc must be regular, but remain moderate and progressive..​ It is essential to warm up before each workout and stretch afterwards. Stretching quickly relieves back pain linked, among other things, to muscle contractions.

What sport to practice in case of a herniated disc?

Certain sports can be traumatic for the back, and cause pain in the cervical, dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. ​You will therefore need to avoid any sport involving repeated pressure (running, horse riding, etc.) or sudden movements (team sports, combat sports, etc.) and asymmetrical movements (racket sports).. This could compress your spine and create harmful tension for your back and neck. On the other hand, sports aimed at gently strengthening your muscles are to be favored. ​Aquatic activities are particularly recommended, as water cushions movements.

In other words, if you suffer from a herniated disc, it is entirely possible for you to practice sports such as walking, cycling, swimming (crawling) or even aquabiking, which are activities without risk for your back. !

Aquabike, a gentle and safe activity

The advantages of aquabiking

Cycling and water sports are some of the sports you can do with a herniated disc. Aquabiking, which involves pedaling a bike submerged in water, is a combination of the two. Its practice, if adapted, presents no risk for your back.

Aquabiking is indeed a gentle and complete activity with many virtues.​ To begin with, aquabike is practiced in water, in weightlessness, which has several advantages. ​Water helps relieve back pain and tone the muscles in depth, without risking damage to the joints and vertebrae.. Likewise, your position on the bike is ideal for working on the coordination of your spine. Added to this are the cardiovascular benefits, better blood circulation, the secretion of endorphins (well-being hormones) and significant energy expenditure!

Aquabike according to Aqua By Paris

Do you have a herniated disc and want to get back into sport gently? We can only encourage your initiative! ​Our Aqua By studios open their doors to you for unique aquabiking sessions.​ ​Our courses, accessible to all, are supervised by coaches motivating and caring, in addition to being passionate. Do not hesitate to talk with them at the start of the session to tell them about your back pain. They will make sure to adapt certain exercises to your physical condition to help you protect your back and relieve pain.

Charonne, Bastille, Réaumur, Boulogne… All you have to do is find the Aqua By studio closest to you!



welcome pack

1 session purchased = 1 free


That is 26 credits which will allow you to complete at least two sessions* of your choice from among our 6 activities.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)


Shareable subscription

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is a busy week preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.


The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Les tarifs et crédits Aqua by
Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

With credits, you can benefit from lower rates on times with less demand and, in general, rates are more advantageous today than before.