bienfaits du hammam


Everything you need to know about the benefits of the hammam 

Reading time : 4 min


You need a relaxation session at hammam ? The benefits of the hammam are numerous and can only do good to your body and mind. You are right to move towards this practice! We take a look at everything you need to know about the hammam: history, definition, its benefits, how a session takes place, etc. Follow the leader !

Benefits of the hammam: the basics of the practice

The virtues of the hammam were discovered thousands of years ago and have won over many fans. The water vapor released, often with the scent of essential oils, has many benefits for the body. We tell you everything!


A hammam is a place of relaxation in which we take a steam bath of around 50°C. The ambient air is therefore hot And very humid. The humidity level is 100% in the cabins, which makes the heat bearable. The steam is often scented with essential oils such as eucalyptus or pine. 

Traditionally, a hammam includes several rooms in which the temperatures are not the same. In fact, each room is hotter and hotter, which allows the body to gradually get used to the heat. 

There are several types of hammams:

  • the traditional hammam : several rooms and a cold water bath
  • the semi-private hammam : individual cabin in beauty salon 
  • the private hammam : cabin installed in a private home


The origins of the hammam are very distant. In fact, the creation of the hammam dates from the time of Greeks and Romans. These are in particular the thermal baths who inspired its creation. 

This practice has thus strongly developed in the Maghreb and Middle East countries in which Islam was in full expansion. Thus, the hammam had a important cultural role as for encourage social gatherings but also for purification rituals.

Hammam VS sauna

THE hammam and sauna are often confused, and yet they have many differences

First of all, the sauna and hammam have no not the same origins : the sauna comes from Nordic countries while the hammam comes from Middle East.

Their functioning is also not the same: the sauna is a wooden cabin diffusing dry heat while the hammam diffuses moist heat based on water vapor.

THE progress of the session is also not similar: it is usual to use black soap and make a scrub during a hammam session. During a sauna session, nothing is applied to the body.

To find out more about the benefits of sauna, go to the dedicated article!

What are the benefits of the hammam?

As you might expect, the hammam has many benefits for the body. We'll break it all down for you!


bienfaits du hammam

Clean the skin

The heat allows your pores to open naturally. Your body is like this release all toxins that it contains thanks to the evacuation of water through perspiration. 

Your skin is therefore freed from its imperfections but also from stored bad fats. The application of a scrub and black soap at the end of the session allows you to finalize the ritual and make your skin perfectly flawless.

Promote blood circulation

Heat is one of the main activators of circulation and therefore makes it possible to promote blood circulation. Say goodbye to the feeling of heavy legs and water retention!

For firm the muscle, it is important to end your session with a cold shower !

Improve breathing

There water vapour diffused in the hammam is most of the time perfumed with odors such as eucalyptus, THE laurel, THE pine or even the sage. These odors will therefore act on your respiratory tract And decongest the bronchi and lungs

Relax the muscles

The heat allows your muscles to relax. Thus, in the event of body aches, the hammam session will do you the greatest good. Same if you have joint problems such as rheumatism. The hammam will do you the greatest good!

Being in a moment of well-being, your whole body relaxes, which also promotes the disappearance of stress.

How does a hammam session take place?

Have you never had the opportunity to try a hammam session? Don't worry, we'll tell you how it happens!


bienfaits du hammam

The basics of the hammam

As explained above, the hammam is traditionally divided into 3 separate rooms in which the temperatures are not similar. In short, vYou have to go progressively: from the least warm room to the hottest room.

There first room is at room temperature and allows you to relax between different sessions. There second allows you to get your body used to the heat before you go to the last in which you will find 100% humidity

You must therefore respect this diagram to do the ritual in the right order! You must stay between 15 and 20 minutes (or less if you can no longer stand the heat of course) in the warmest room. Finally, return to the intermediate room to take a shower and wash with black soap

If you are in a beauty Institute, it is possible that there is onlya single room just like the sauna. In this case, settle in and don't stay more than 15 to 20 minutes. You may have at your disposal something to make a scrub to accentuate the benefits of water vapor on your skin.


Places in which the concentration of heat poses risks for certain people. Therefore, you should not do a hammam session when:

  • You are in digestion phase : it is advisable to wait at least 3 hours 
  • you have consumed alcohol
  • you havelow blood pressure
  • you are pregnant
  • you have heart problems
  • you have blood circulation disorders 
  • etc.

To conclude

To conclude, the benefits of the hammam are numerous and bring many virtues to your body:

  • it allows to deeply cleanse your skin
  • he promotes blood circulation
  • it acts on the respiratory tract decongestion
  • he relaxes your muscles after physical exertion


Be careful though contraindications which can put you in danger if you are one of the people said to be “at risk” for this practice. 

Try the hammam at Aqua by

Come and test them benefits of hammam at the house of Aqua by after your aquabiking session !

Let off steam while 50 minutes on your bike immersed in the water of our pools and take a moment of well-being in the hammam before leaving.

You can find our hammams in the studios Aqua by – Charonne And Aqua by – Boulogne.

Don't wait any longer to do good for your body and mind!



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Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


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The credit system

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Les tarifs et crédits Aqua by
Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

With credits, you can benefit from lower rates on times with less demand and, in general, rates are more advantageous today than before.