
I'm gaining weight, but I don't know why!

Reading time : 1 min


At certain times of the year we tend to put on a few pounds. In winter for example, with the end of year celebrations and the good meals that go with them. In this case we know who to blame (bad raclette!). However at other times of the year, when we weigh ourselves, we are surprised by a few extra pounds when we had not overindulged.

What factors promote weight gain?

·      Sleep : No, it's not a myth, actually lacking sleep can facilitate weight gain, due to the appetite regulating hormone (see the article on sleep).

·      Stress : Here again it's the hormones' fault! Indeed, stress increases the level of cortisol which has the effect of increasing our appetite, so the more stressed we are, the hungrier we are.

·      The water : if we don't drink enough our body will let us know, by retaining water, result: it will store a few kilos and make us gain a few centimeters.

·      Salt : Eating too much salt can lead to water retention which in turn can make certain parts of our body swell, thus making us gain a few centimeters and a few pounds as a bonus.

·      Sport : muscle weighs more than fat, so often when we start doing sports we are surprised by these kilos that were not there before! Don't panic, it's normal and we don't have to worry, if however we want to lose them we just have to be careful to do more cardio than muscle strengthening.

As you can see, doing sports and paying attention to your diet are not always enough, you need to sleep properly, avoid stress, measure out your salt intake and, above all, don't forget to rest! So no stress (and it would be a shame to add to it, knowing that it contributes to weight gain...), now that you know the cause of the problem, it is much easier to solve it!



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