Qu’est ce que la cellulite et comment l’éliminer ?
Under the skin we have adipose (fat) cells housed in small compartments. If their number and volume increase, these compartments swell and the surface of the skin becomes bumpy (hence the expression “orange peel”). So you might think that you just need to go on a little diet to get rid of it… However, cellulite is […]
S’hydrater, oui. Mais pourquoi ?
Pourquoi boire de l’eau régulièrement ? L’eau est indispensable au bon fonctionnement de notre corps, il faut en boire entre 2 à 3 litres par jour. (Oui, on sait !), mais pourquoi ? Notre corps est composé de 70% d’eau, et nous en perdons (en moyenne) entre 2 et 3 litres par jour. Pendant une […]
Choose your swimsuit according to your body shape!
What are the different body types? Finally summer, and above all finally the sales! Coincidence? No, I don't think so! It's definitely time to do our little shopping to be the most beautiful on the beach! So how can we save time in the fitting rooms? : […]
Difficult evening? Sport the next day? Are we going there or not?
The weather hasn't been exactly nice lately. But the sun's rays shouldn't be long in coming... At least we hope so... with them comes the season of long aperitifs! (We always hope so...). And the nasty migraines the next day that often accompany them... Difficulty getting out of bed, headaches, […]
Du vélo ? Oui, mais dans l’eau !
Avec les beaux jours nombreux sont ceux qui se déplaceront à vélo dans Paris. Faire du vélo chez soi, c’est possible aussi grâce aux vélos d’appartement. Mais faire du vélo à Paris et dans une piscine ? C’est possible aussi. Connaissez vous l’aquabiking ? C’est du vélo dans l’eau ! Venez essayer nous sommes en […]
How to progress?
Motivation, the key to success When we start doing sports, we are motivated by a very specific goal, this is a good thing because we need to stimulate our motivation. However, after weeks and months, we realize that it is not so easy, and that we cannot achieve […]
What should I eat to sleep better?
A healthy lifestyle, for a well-deserved rest! Sleeping properly is essential to a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it is no longer a secret, but what can we do when we can't do it despite all our efforts? Several food supplements exist in […]
I'm gaining weight, but I don't know why!
At certain times of the year we tend to put on a few pounds. In winter for example, with the end of year celebrations and the good meals that go with them. In this case we know who to blame (bad raclette!). However at other times of the year, when we weigh ourselves, we are surprised by a few pounds […]
L’aquabiking, votre partenaire bien-être
L’AQUABIKING, UN SPORT EFFICACE On entend dire que l’aquabiking détrône l’aquagym, c’est parce que faire du vélo dans une piscine cumule les effets bénéfiques. En effet l’aquabiking est une activité sportive de plus en plus répandue. Pourquoi? Dans l’eau le corps est plus léger et vos muscles travaillent d’autant plus qu’ils travaillent pour repousser le […]