Deux serviettes et un seau posés dans un sauna


Sauna or hammam: everything you need to know about their differences

Reading time : 6 min


THE sauna and the hammam are two hot “baths” that allow you to relax and you loosen.


They are often confused, while they are quite different. There sauna heat is strong and dry, while that of the hammam is humid and lower.


You want find out more about the unique features of the sauna and hammam ? In this case, You are in the right place ! We explain everything to you in this article!


The differences between sauna and hammam

Sauna And hammam have some common points (benefits on the body and mind, etc.), which means that they are sometimes confused. But in reality, there are differences between the two :

  1. Their origins
  2. THE type of heat
  3. THE construction materials
  4. THE benefits (although some are common)


1. Their origins

Let's start with the sauna. His origins come from Scandinavia and more particularly Finland. The sauna is part of the local culture of the country and was even registered with UNESCO intangible cultural heritage !


In Finland, there is also a ritual : you have to take cold showers between each time in the sauna. For what ? Well, because, hot/cold alternation allows stimulate your blood circulation.


THE typical Finnish sauna is a cabin made of drink, with two rows of stands and one stove that heats volcanic stones.


Now the hammam. Also called Moorish bath or Turkish bath, it takes its origin from steam bath from the Roman baths. It is therefore older than the sauna.


The hammam then especially developed in the Orient And the Ottoman empire. Then it is especially at Maghreb and at Middle East that the hammam has become popular over the years.


In Arabic, hammam means “hot water bath”. It represents very well what it is: a room covered with mosaic or earthenware inside which a moist heat settles down.


2. The type of heat

In the sauna, It's about a dry and very strong heat. The heat is rising between 40°C and 90°C depending on the saunas and can even reach up to 100°C.


There is no no fogging or steam in a sauna, because the humidity level rarely exceeds 20-30%. On the other hand, in the infrared saunas, there is really no no humidity, which makes the heat even drier.


In the traditional saunas, there heat East generated by a stove who is coming heat volcanic stones. And these are these stones that accumulate heat and diffuse it.


In the traditional saunas, There is multiple systems which allow heat the stones :

  • THE wood fired stoves
  • THE gas stoves
  • THE electric stoves
  • THE combined stoves (to generate steam)


As we told you, the sauna heat is dry. But it is possible to create a little steam by watering the volcanic stones. It's a little Finnish tradition that you can try!


As for the hammam, there heat is extremely humid. On the other hand, the temperature is around 50°C maximum.


Level humidity, some hammams reach the 100% humidity level. It therefore generates a constant mist of steam. A steam often scented with essential oils eucalyptus.


In the hammams, there are several rooms with different temperatures. Some are rather lukewarm with heat around 30°C And some warmer And exceed 40°C.


THE construction materials also play an important role in the heat and humidity preservation !


3. Building materials

We've already talked to you a little about it, but the saunas are, for the most part, cabins built of wood (pine, spruce, aspen, etc.). Why wood? Well quite simply, because it helps retain heat.


For the hammams, not wood, but rather earthenware or the mosaic. Here the aim is to resist steam humidity. So there's no point in thinking about adding wood for a hammam...


There are also hammams made of floor tile, acrylic, of glass, or even sometimes marble for the most beautiful!


4. The benefits

Some benefits of sauna and hammam are similar (we'll tell you about it right after), but not all ! Sauna and hammam remain quite different in terms of benefits for your body.


THE sauna rather has toning effects on your body. THE benefits of the sauna are felt level of health :

  • He strengthens your immune system
  • It helps you to overcome stress and fatigue
  • It allows to eliminate toxins from the body
  • He stimulates your heart without tiring him
  • He relieves joint pain And muscle tension
  • Alternated with cold showers, he stimulates your blood circulation
  • He tones your skin
  • He can even improve control of your blood pressure


THE benefits of hammam, they are quite relaxing. The steam will make it possible to:

  • Relax your muscles
  • Relieve your aches And potential pain
  • Free your sinuses for a better breathing
  • Recover after sporting activity
  • Purify your skin in depth in removing dead skin
  • Improve the quality of your sleep
  • Enjoy a less oppressive heat


Common points between sauna and hammam

Although these two hot baths are quite different, they still have some similarities. The biggest being that they both produce heat.


But besides, the heat, sauna and hammam, YOU help to :

  • YOU relax mentally And physically
  • Feel a feeling of well-being and relaxation
  • Eliminate toxins via sweating
  • Recover after sport in relaxing your muscles
  • Overcome everyday tensions by calming you down
  • Relieve your joints
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Clear your airways
  • Deeply cleanse your skin


Sauna or hammam, which to choose?

It's true that with everything you've just seen, you may be a little lost. But in fact, your choice will mainly depend on your preferences, of yours needs and your heat tolerance !


To make the right choice, you must try both And see which one suits you best.


The sauna for toning

The sauna is comfortable because it is made of wood. On the other hand, he does very hot and dry inside. The sauna is made for you if :

  • You don't like humid heat
  • YOU want to benefit from the toning and energizing action of heat


In general, you stay between 8 minutes for beginners And 30 minutes for regulars.


If you try the sauna for the first time, try do not exceed 8 minutes, for really get your body used to it.


The hammam for relaxation

In the hammam, you will be always surrounded by steam and therefore humidity. There is sometimes also care (scrubs or masks) which are offered to you to do even more good for your skin.


THE hammam is for you if :

  • You like humid heat
  • You especially have want to relax


If you try the hammam for the first time, Think of do not exceed 15 minutes inside. On the other hand, if you like it, throughout the sessions, you can stay there up to 1 hour maximum.


And especially before to try sauna or hammam, you have to make sure you don't have any health problems.


Contraindications to sauna and hammam

It still exists some contraindications saunas and hammams. To make sure you can enjoy it, the best thing to do is to consult your doctor and ask him.


And for give you an idea of the contraindications, here is a small list. The sauna and hammam are contraindicated if you have problems :

  • Cardiac
  • Renal
  • Circulatory
  • Respiratory
  • Of diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Of tension
  • Of skin diseases (phlebitis, etc.)
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Contagious (flu, etc.)
  • Epilepsy
  • Of fever


If you are pregnant, you can benefit from the benefits of the sauna and hammam. But at only one condition : you must have the agreement of your gynecologist.


On the other hand, if you just ate a hearty meal, do not go directly to a sauna or hammam. You are in full digestion, so you risk feeling nauseous! The best is to wait at least 2-3 hours.



Sauna or hammam? If you like dry heat, the sauna is for you. On the other hand, if you prefer humid heat, try the hammam instead. Because yes, the main difference between the two lies in the type of heat!


But it is not not the only difference between the two. THE origins, THE materials construction and some benefits are not not the same.


On the other hand, sauna and hammam are still a bit similar ! Both of you allow you to relax and of feel a feeling of well-being.


So, if you want to do good for your body and mind, try them!


Sauna and hammam to relax at Aqua by

You want to relax in the sauna or hammam after an aquabike session ? In this case, come and try them at Aqua by !


At Aqua by, sauna and hammam are available to relax after your aquabike session. Because yes, we invite you to (re)discover aquabike from a new angle !


For this, we offer different types of sessions (performing, aquacross, etc.), so that everyone can enjoy it.


OUR objective Is simple : give you a real, gentle sporting experience. And of course, sauna and hammam contribute to this !


Our coaches are here to guide you at each of your sessions. They You set the pace And push you to let go. In addition, everyone in their place, it's not a question of level!


So for let off steam in the water on your aquabike And relax quietly in the sauna or hammam, we give you meet at Aqua by !


Our 4 studios located at Paris (Réaumur, Bastille, Charonne) and Boulogne are just waiting for you ! Join us and throw yourself into the water. 💦


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Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.