
Press review, 2016

Reading time : 3 min


In 2016, there was a lot of talk about us.

Here is the 2016 press review, which is a bit special since it lists the best sentences from our blogger and journalist friends about Aqua by.

You have certainly experienced it, the first session ofaquacycling is often surprising… Here are some examples:

Candyrosie: “I went to the class with peace of mind, thinking that it was going to be “cool”, and no, I was wrong!”

Emmafitnessgoal: “The coach starts to make us work in HIIT mode (alternating fast then slow paces), wow, another good surprise!! I, who thought I was pedaling at the pace of a granny, am particularly surprised.”

Easyblush: “Oh my god, how physical is this!

Karolinefitness:  “I thought I would die when our coach Isak got stuck at second 9 of the clock in the middle of a sprint, thanks for the joke!”

Plum notebook : “The funny thing about Aquabiking is that it's as great as it hurts. 50-50!”

There is no doubt, Aquabiking is a sport in its own right, with its training, its method, its sequences. We'll let the bloggers explain it to you:

MumNrun: “At Aqua By, there is no “individual”; we cycle in a group, under the direction of a coach.”

Young sportswomen: “The class lasts 45 minutes with the 3 mandatory training sessions (warm-ups, training and stretching)”

Karolinefitness: “We alternate between interval cardio and strengthening, particularly using dumbbells and elastic bands to work all muscle groups.”

NadiarunsParis:  “We pedal slowly at the beginning. Because then, we increase the cardio crescendo to 50%, then 70% and we give everything to 100%! The water that seemed cool at first is warming up! We even sweat!”

Plum notebook: “Everything is happening very quickly! We pedal with our buttocks in the air, then our chest lying on the handlebars, then our buttocks in the air again and presto, we grab the dumbbells...the 45 minutes of exercises go by at breakneck speed!“

Livemore about AquaCross: “Elastics, dumbbells, aquaboxing… we appreciate the mix of muscle strengthening and cardio which allows you to burn a lot of calories in a friendly atmosphere.”

But then, why do all that?! For its benefits, naturally…

Young sportswomen: “The course allows you to burn around 500 calories but above all to get rid of the famous enemy number 1, namely cellulite!”

Yummymommyparis: “The metamorphosis is appreciated from the third session: smoother skin texture, toned muscles, and redefined shape. It’s Topissime!”

Trendyslemag: “Water greatly facilitates movement, we appreciate feeling light and operational without feeling tortured. […] And the icing on the cake, the next morning, no aches or pain anywhere, on the other hand a feeling of well-being that feels great.”

High heels and running shoes: “But as it seems that one must suffer to be beautiful, I am ready to repeat the experience.”

If Aquabiking is so popular it is also thanks to the environment in which the discipline is practiced, and this involves important elements:

The framework

MonParisJoli: “In a cozy and refined decor, with light tones, you will be seduced by the friendly atmosphere and the ultra-motivating and attentive coaches who energize the aquabike sessions with catchy music and in a good mood. We would (almost) forget that we are doing sport!”

Plum notebook: “The place is welcoming, even warm - which is generally rare for a sports center.”

The coaches

Yummymommyparis: “The coaches are really TOP, and you can choose yours directly on the site, section "Coach"

Ohmydexy: “There was a great atmosphere in the pool!”

The commodity

ValouModeuze: “The center is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., so you can go there before or after work... Not bad!”

High heels and running shoes: “They provide everything so that we feel at home and clearly make it a second place to live. Well done, it works!”

The sauna….

Mademoisellebonplan: “After the session, you have free access to the establishment's sauna to relax and recover from your effort.”


Josyrunning: “Note the “must” of the place, the swimsuit wringer! Mega-class!”

Candyrosie: “A machine of the future that will wring out your swimsuit in 5 seconds (I still can’t get over it aha)”

Young sportswomen: “We came out completely relaxed but also completely rinsed just like our swimsuit which we put in the super wringer haha.”

The entire Aqua by team sincerely thanks everyone who wrote about the center. It is always a pleasure to read you and it is thanks to these constructive criticisms that we can move forward.

We will end with expressions!

Trendyslemag: “I loved this pure moment of happiness, the refined and cozy setting, the dynamism of the staff, the impeccable quality of the exercises offered convinced me. Please note that the quality of the pool water is monitored very regularly. Aqua by makes it a point of honor to satisfy their demanding customers.”

Karolinefitness: “No matter your level or your age group, don’t be afraid to take the plunge!”

DoitinParis : “Our favorite? Pedal at full speed for 45 minutes at aqua by in the largest above-ground swimming pool in Paris.“



welcome pack

1 session purchased = 1 free


Soit 26 crédits qui vous permettront de réaliser au minimum deux sessions* au choix parmi nos 6 activités.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)

Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.