
What is cellulite and how to get rid of it?

Reading time : 1 min


Under the skin we have adipose (fat) cells housed in small compartments. If their number and volume increase, these compartments swell and the surface of the skin becomes bumpy (hence the expression " Orange peel ").

So you might think that you just need to go on a little diet to get rid of it... However, cellulite is much more complex than that, it is above all the combination of several factors: hormonal variations, but also blood circulation disorders. and lymphatic which often cause water retention, or poor drainage of the area.

In other words, even if we are not overweight, we can have that nasty cellulite that sets in! But then how to do it?


Weight loss can reduce the volume of fat cells, simply reduce the consumption of sugar and saturated fats, and have sufficient protein consumption (found in chicken breasts, eggs, almonds, etc.). )


Swimming, aquagym, aquabiking... The water performs a draining massage and revives blood and lymphatic circulation.


Walking, cycling, jogging, running also improve blood circulation and encourage the body to draw on its fat reserves.


The best known: palpation rolling, consists of manually massaging the skin by rolling and kneading the skin tissues. It helps stimulate circulation, break down fatty deposits, and restart the production of collagen and elastin to tone the skin.


Having good nutrition is often not enough to eliminate cellulite. Play sports to eliminate fast food at lunchtime either. For a better result, do not hesitate to combine different techniques.

Now that we know our enemy better, it will be much easier to put our strategy in place to fight him!



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