Slim down? 3 bad habits to lose

Reading time : 1 min

Slim down without getting frustrated

1- Force yourself
The sport most frequently associated with getting back into shape quickly? Running of course! But this is far from being the case: everyone has their own sport. The important thing is not to force yourself and to practice a sport by gradually increasing your efforts. You just need to find an activity that gets you moving and gives you pleasure: fitness, yoga, or even Aquabiking! Moreover, at Aqua by, you can mix dance and cycling with our famous discobiking classes! More motivated, you will go to your class with a smile and you will keep your resolutions!
2- Delete your favorite little pleasures permanently
One of the worst things about going on a diet (or trying to eat healthier) is wanting to cut out your favorite foods forever.
So, allow yourself (without feeling guilty) your favorite “comfort food” from time to time! Less frustrated, you will enjoy an occasional treat.

3 – Obsessively count calories

Often, when dieting, we focus on counting calories. Either those spent while doing sport, or those absorbed, with the slightest bite.

This obsession is anything but productive and ends up discouraging. So listen to yourself, and especially your body! This will be much more effective!

In conclusion, learn to please yourself ! Adopting good habits in accordance with your needs and without getting frustrated is the best way to stay in shape!
