

Aquafitness, a sport practiced at Aqua by!

Reading time : 1 min


You know fitness, this sport which designates a set of physical activities, well at Aqua by, we practice fitness in water, hence its name: aquafitness.

But what is Aqua by?

Aqua by is aquabiking in a different way. Do you imagine that aquabiking is an individual sport practiced alone with a screen? Well no, at Aqua by, we break the codes of individual aquabiking and make it collective! Our classes are given by motivated and motivating coaches! The sessions are varied, we offer 5 different concepts, including aquacross training, the first aquatic cross training!

And the AquaCross?

Inspired by the practice of Cross Training, AquaCross is organized in the form of a training circuit broken down into different workshops including aquafitness. The sessions last 50 minutes in small groups. The interest? Tone up more by optimizing recovery times and using all the muscles in the body.

No more classes just on the bike, we alternate with other exercises specific to the program: elastic bands, dumbbells, aquagym, aquafitness, aquaboxing… a well-balanced mix for a fun and effective session.

To make someaquafitness allows you to practice movements more easily thanks to the feeling of weightlessness with the water, while avoiding aches and pains! Aquafitness can be practiced by everyone, everyone goes at their own pace and with the intensity they want.

Aquafitness is practiced at Aqua by during aquacross training sessions 4 times a week at Studio Réaumur and 3 times a week at Studio Charonne. Don't hesitate to visit our site to see the different timetables offered.


Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.