Une femme en train de profiter de la piscine


Pool Exercises to Lose Weight: 11 Moves to Try!

Reading time : 6 min


There swimming is a sport complete which helps you tone your body. But sometimes it does to chain the lengths maybe annoying.

For complete your sessions, you can test different exercises (a little inspired by aquagym) to be carried out in pool.

With a good Alimentation, they You will help you lose weight and strengthen your muscles!

Upper body exercises (back, shoulders, etc.)

1. An exercise to do in the swimming pool to work the pectorals

Sit in a pool where the water comes up to your shoulders and where you stand.

Once in the water, extend your arms at the level of the chest on the side. Your palms of the hand must be turned towards the inside

To perform the exercise:

  • Bring your arms back towards the front so that they come together.
  • Afterwards, push your arms back to return to the starting position.

Little tips: imagine that two cymbals in the hands and you go type them together.

2. An exercise that works the back and chest

For this exercise, you must also place yourself in a pool with water up to the shoulders and where you stand.

In water, take a board And stick it to your chest with hands on either side of the board.

To perform the exercise:

  • Push the board straight in front of you without stretching out your arms to 100%.
  • Afterwards, pull it towards you to bring it back to your chest again.

The phase of thrust of the movement will especially solicit your pectorals. Conversely, the phase of draw will come to work the muscles of the back.

This exercise can also be done one arm after the other without a board. For added stability, get into a lunge position.

3. An exercise to strengthen your shoulders in the pool

Dive into a pool where you have your feet and where the water comes up to your neck (approximately above the shoulders).

Stand straight, with arm very slightly bent THE along the body and the palms of the hand towards the ground

To perform the exercise:

  • Raise your arms to the side, up to the shoulders.
  • Lower your arms back down to your sides at hip level.

Little tips: these are your elbows Who lead the movement, remember to keep the arms aligned with shoulders.

4. An exercise that uses the shoulders and back

For this exercise, sit in a pool where the water also happens to you in the neck, and in which you have a foothold.

The position is the same as the previous exercise, your palms of the hand are towards the ground, but your arm come to set down on your thighs.

To perform the exercise:

  • Raise your arms in front you up to your shoulders.
  • Take them back down chasing the water behind you.

You can also alternate one arm after the other and make like scissor movements from top to bottom.

Some exercises to work your abs in the pool

5. An exercise to do with a board

Here, no need to have a foot To perform the movement, you just need a plank.

Put yourself on the back as for the backstroke and extend your arms while holding the board.

To perform the exercise:

  • Make leg kicks.
  • Keep it navel out of water and stay well sheathed.

Little tips: keep it head well aligned with the whole body and try to push your pelvis upwards.

6. An exercise to do with fries

For this aquagym exercise with a fry, not need to have a foothold either, just take two foam fries with you.

Once in the water, place the two fries under your arms, put yourself to vertical in a very upright position.

To perform the exercise:

  • Raise the legs almost stretched up to the level of the size.
  • Come back down gently while keeping the legs slightly bent.

If the movement is too difficult, you can bend legs 90°. There is also a variant where your legs are stretched out in front of you and you come bring back to your waist.

Several exercises to work the lower body in the pool

7. An exercise for the side of your legs

Dive into a pool where you have foot, the height of the water doesn't matter as long as your legs are submerged.

Position yourself by the swimming pool. Hold the ledge with your hands while keeping them arms outstretched and the straight back.

To perform the exercise:

  • Raise one leg after another on the side.
  • Make circles with your legs and bring them back to the ground.

You can also do several repetitions on one leg and then move on to the other leg.

8. An exercise to tone the entire leg

As with the exercise just above, find a pool where you have foot and or the water at least happens to you up to the waist.

Hold the edge of the pool with your right hand and keep it left leg straight. You can lean forward slightly, but keep the straight back.

To perform the exercise:

  • Make forward movements, the back and on the sides with your right leg.

Little tips: the more you will be far from the poolside, the more you will have room for your legs.

9. An exercise for the back of the thighs

As with the last two exercises, immerse yourself in a pool where the water at least happens to you up to the waist and where you touch the ground.

The position is also the same, but you are not you don't have to stretch your arms to the edge of the pool.

To perform the exercise:

  • Make a knee flexion backwards by bringing back the heels on the butt.
  • Then go back down until he almost straightens his leg.
  • Alternate one leg after the other.

You can also do several repetitions with one leg and change. To solicit a little more your cardio, you can increase the pace by making heels-butt.

10. Squat in the water

For this exercise, find a pool where the water happens to you maximum above the waist.

Stand up straight, legs slightly bent And discarded, hip width or a little more if necessary.

To perform the movement:

  • Make downward bends, you make a squat, but in the water.
  • Then go back up without completely straightening your legs.

Little tips: the more your legs are tightened, the more you use the muscles of inner thighs, and the more they are discarded, the more you request those located at the exterior.

11. An exercise to work the glutes

For this movement, sit in a pool where the water you arrive at least up to the waist.

Hold the edge of the pool with your hands, keep it straight back and the legs slightly bent.

To perform the exercise:

  • PUSH a leg towards the back and towards the high at the level of glutes.
  • Bring your leg back in starting position.

This exercise can be done one leg at a time or you can do several repetitions on one leg and switch.

Exercises to challenge your cardiovascular system in the pool

All the exercises we have just given you are very interesting for toning your figure.

For burn even more calories, you can also add some cardio exercises :

  • Jumping jacks
  • Knee raises
  • Group jumps
  • Jumped lunges
  • Fast walk
  • Running on the spot
  • Kicking

You can also try to work at high intensity (HIIT). YOU chain several exercises without rest time, or very little.

There are also course by AquaHIIT which you can test in our Aqua by studios !

Exercising is good, but for weight loss it doesn't stop there!

It's a very good thing to do an activity in the water, but to lose weight you must also adopt a Healthy eating and one good lifestyle.

If you want losing weight, you have to spend more calories than you consume. So, make sure to eat it well, without too much difference, but also without depriving yourself too much.

To stay on top of the best it is also important to get enough sleep, but above all sleep well.

In conclusion: what exercises should you do in water to lose weight?

All the exercises we have mentioned to you (squats in water, leg lifts, etc.) can help you lose weight. But under a few conditions:

  • Be regular.
  • Eat well.
  • Expend more calories than you consume.

Don’t hesitate to mix the different exercises and vary them. You can also alternate between swimming and these movements to make your swimming sessions more fun!

Are there other exercises to try in the pool?

Of course ! You can try the swimming with fins, test different swimming exercises with a plank or one pull buoy, etc.

To find out more, we invite you to read our article on the different exercises to do in the swimming pool. With this you will become knowledgeable on the subject!

And why not try aquabike to lose weight?

If you want you spend at max in water, aquabike is also a very good alternative for losing weight!

Aquabike is quite simply pedal a bike submerged in water. At the house of Aqua by we invite you to (re)discover aquabike from a new angle.

Come and test coached group aquabike lessons in unique places designed for let go And to give everything.

So, if you want to throw yourself into the water, book your session and join us in our studios located in Paris or Boulogne !


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Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.