Deux personnes faisant des exercices de natation


Swimming Exercises: 10 Moves to Swim Like a Pro

Reading time : 5 min


When you go to swim laps, it's not not always easy to master each swimming (crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, etc.).


To improve yourself, different exercises (with or without accessories) help you have a better breathing, of best arm movements and of legs.


So, to make your task easier, we have prepared for you 10 exercises (and some tips) to improve your crawl, breaststroke and backstroke!


Why do swimming exercises?

The goal is simply to perfect your technique, posture and breathing. With these exercises you will improve and have more fun in the water.


It is also a good way to vary your swimming sessions. Rather than doing laps for 30 minutes monotonously, you can alternate between the different exercises using accessories or not.


Don't just do that, the goal is to apply what you learn with these exercises when you swim.


Four exercises for a better crawl

1. Crawl without using the legs

For this exercise you will need a pull buoy that you are going to position between your ankles or between your thighs.


Once you are in place, use only your arms to swim. This exercise will ask you to stay well covered in order to keep a good full body alignment.


The goal of the exercise?

Work the arm movements in insulating the legs with the pull-buoy.


If you feel comfortable, you can try removing the pull-buoy.


2. Crawl with closed fists

For this exercise you will not have no need for accessories. You have to close the points and to swim the crawl.


Swimming with closed fists reduces the surface area in contact with water. So you will accentuate the work of your forearms. Which are also very useful when pulling underwater.


The goal of the exercise?

Improve your support in the water and therefore the phase of traction. You can also alternate lengths between closed stitches and open hands.


3. Crawl caught

To do this swimming exercise, you will always have no need for accessories.


You will swim the front crawl while keeping a Arms extended And motionless in front of you. This one does not move until the other arm has finished its movement.


When the arm in motion come touch the still arm, at this moment, the immobile arm can then be put into action.


And the arm having just finished its movement finds himself in turn motionless and tense while waiting for the return of the other arm.


The goal of the exercise?

The objective is to master arm movements well one after the other, but also synchronize them with your breath.


4. Breathing exercise for crawl with a board

You will have understood, you will have to take a plank with you for this exercise.


Once in the water, extend your left arm in front of you while holding the plank. THE right arm, he remains underwater along the body.


Move forward with your legs And breathe only on the right side while exhaling underwater. 


Alternate lengths by switching sides so that your right arm holds the board and your left arm remains underwater. You will therefore breathe on the left side.


The goal of the exercise?

This swimming exercise will help you breathe better underwater. In fact, you do not have no need to worry about your arm movements, but only from your breathing.


You can also try this exercise without a plank if you feel comfortable.


Three exercises to improve your breaststroke

5. Breaststroke scissors

You can do this exercise with or without board. If you are comfortable enough in breaststroke, you can skip it.


Swim breaststroke, but don't use your hands. Or just to hold your board.


Focus on your legs and do some fast, tight leg movements. They must barely open and move away during movement.


The goal of the exercise?

Improve your leg movements in breaststroke, which we call scissors.


6. Breaststroke with pull-buoy

Unlike the previous exercise, here you only use your arms. Place a pull buoy at the level of your ankles or your thighs.


Use only your arms to move forward. In breaststroke, they are the ones who help to get the chest out of the water.


The goal of the exercise?

The more your movements will be fast, minus your swimming rhythm will be disrupted. This swimming exercise helps you focus on your arms and your breathing.


7. Breathing exercise for breaststroke with a plank

For this exercise you will have need a board for better buoyancy.


When you swim breaststroke, the breathing is active. You must breathe for all the time your head is underwater to empty your lungs.


To the end of your exhalation, it's yours leg movement Who will allow you to to go back up to the surface.


Once the bust out of water, take a deep breath with the mouth and let yourself sink under the water.


The goal of the exercise?

The objective here is therefore to better manage your breathing and master the phases inspiration And expiration breaststroke.


Three exercises to perfect your backstroke

8. Backstroke with pull-buoy

For this exercise you need to use a pull buoy that you are going to place between your thighs or your ankles.


keep it straight body, GOOD aligned And do you grow. It will help you to be in a best position for sliding.


Use your arms to move forward, keep them well tense with each movement. When your hand goes into the water, it's yours little finger that should touch the water first. To do this, keep your palm facing outwards.


The goal of the exercise?

Focus on your arm movements keeping them well aligned in order to to improve your propulsion.


9. Backstroke exercise with a board

Take a plank And hold it out in front of you, above your knees. Keep your chest and head in a neutral position, without raising your chin too much.


Swim while focusing on your leg movements so that they don't come not touch the board.


The goal of the exercise?

Focus on your beat And make it from the hip and not the knee.


10. One-arm backstroke

For this exercise you must keep one arm still at your side and swim with your other arm.


When your hand enters water, turn your torso slightly in order to the shoulder of your motionless arm comes out of the water.


This will also allow bring the shoulder of your moving arm into the water for more propulsion.


To the end of movement, turn the bust again, but in the other direction. You will bring the shoulder of your immobile arm into the water.


In this way you also trigger the new movement of your arm into action by bringing the shoulder out of the water.


So you will gain more amplitude. However, when you turn your torso, be careful not to spin your head, your trunk and the lower body.


The goal of the exercise?

Understanding the shoulder rotation mechanism (called the shoulder roll). It is also about good master arm movements.


In conclusion

These 10 swimming exercises will help you improve your technique, your breathing, but will also help you strengthen your muscles.


Train yourself regularly and you will quickly see that your crawl, your breaststroke and your backstroke will improve !


Are there other exercises to do in the pool?

Obviously, you can for example try to swim with fins. You can also get into a pool where you can stand and do some exercises inspired by aquagym.


For more information, we invite you to take a look at our article on THE different exercises to do in the pool !


Swimming is good, but aquabiking is better!

For those who want to change from swimming, aquabike is a good alternative !


Immersed in a pool, you pedal a bike submerged in water. You want to know more ? Head to our article on aquabike and its benefits ! 😉


Aquabike at Aqua by

And if you already want to take the plunge, you can join us at Aqua by !


We offer you group lessons which combine sport and good humor with some motivating coaches. To make aquabiking more fun, we decided to vary the sessions (aquapalming, aquacross, etc.).


So, to come and try, book your first session ! We are waiting for you in one of our Parisian studios or in Boulogne for dive into the deep end. 💦



welcome pack

1 session purchased = 1 free


That is 26 credits which will allow you to complete at least two sessions* of your choice from among our 6 activities.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)


Shareable subscription

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions.

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.


Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is a busy week preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.


The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Les tarifs et crédits Aqua by
Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

With credits, you can benefit from lower rates on times with less demand and, in general, rates are more advantageous today than before.