Motivation, the key to success
When we start doing sports, we are motivated by a very specific goal, this is a good thing because we need to stimulate our motivation.
However, after weeks and months, we realize that it is not that easy, and that we are not able to achieve our goal as quickly as we hoped….
From this moment, we often leave ourselves with 2 choices:
- Give up
- Increase the pace.
The first choice is obviously not the right solution, but the second is not necessarily either.
Going too far beyond these limits will tire your body, and through repetition, will especially increase the risk of injury and fatigue.
The important thing here is really not the destination, but the path that takes us there; adapt, get used to new efforts, and go further. Our body cannot skip steps even if our brain asks it to.
The great figures of sport have followed a specific and adapted training program for several years! It took them years to reach their levels, not weeks or months. So let's keep these few points in mind:
- Never compare yourself to others: we are all different, we all have different physical capacity, endurance, and body shape.
- Understand the technique of the exercises before wanting to make them more complex
- Simply evaluate yourself, and not fixate on your final goal: running 15 minutes instead of 10, doing 10 push-ups instead of 5, feeling more comfortable during training is the start of progress.
Let's be patient and above all regular!