Aquabike à domicile : un groupe de femmes fait de l'aquabiking


Aquabike at Home: Effective and Independent Exercises

Reading time : 7 min


Looking to improve your fitness without leaving the comfort of your home? Home aquabiking is the ideal solution to tone your body while preserving your joints. In this article, discover how to choose your equipment, organize your space and perform effective exercises.


Aquabiking offers many benefits, from improving endurance to reducing joint stress. Follow our tips to get the most out of your home sessions.

Presentation of aquabiking at home

Aquabiking, this dynamic and complete physical activity, is enjoying growing success, especially for its practice at home. Imagine pedaling in the water, while enjoying the comfort of your home. No need to go to the pool or follow restrictive schedules: aquabiking at home gives you the freedom to train at your own pace, whenever you want.

Benefits of practicing aquabiking at home

Practicing aquabiking at home offers many advantages. First of all, you benefit from great time flexibility. No more constraints of group lessons or limited time slots. You can train whenever it suits you, whether early in the morning or late in the evening. Then there is the comfort and privacy. You are at home, in a familiar environment, which promotes relaxation and well-being. In addition, by avoiding travel, you save time and money. All this contributes to making practicing aquabiking at home particularly attractive.

Importance of autonomy in sports practice

Practicing aquabiking at home also strengthens your autonomy. You become the master of your sports routine, without depending on a coach or an imposed schedule. This autonomy allows you to personalize your sessions according to your objectives, whether it is to improve your physical condition, lose weight, or simply relax. Autonomy also means the possibility of listening to your body, respecting your rhythm and progressing in your own way.

Aquabike à domicile : Un groupe de femme fait de l'aquacycling

Why choose aquabiking at home?

The benefits of aquabiking

Aquabiking is more than just exercise: it’s a real therapy for your body. By pedaling in the water, you work all of your muscles, while reducing stress on your joints. This activity is ideal for improving your physical condition. Each movement in the water creates natural resistance, which strengthens your muscles while protecting your joints. In addition, the water has a massaging effect that stimulates blood circulation and helps prevent post-workout muscle pain. It’s a gentle but effective sport that is suitable for everyone, regardless of your fitness level.

By practicing aquabiking regularly, you can also notice a significant improvement in your cardiovascular endurance. Pedaling in water requires more effort than in the open air, which makes your heart and lungs work more intensely. The result? Better resistance to effort and an increase in your breathing capacity. As a bonus, aquabiking is an excellent way to tone your body and sculpt your legs, glutes and abs, while burning a maximum of calories.

Benefits of practicing at home

Aquabiking at home means freedom at your fingertips. One of the great advantages is the time flexibility. You are no longer dependent on the schedules of gyms or swimming pools. You can train whenever you want, whether before starting your day or to relax after a long day at work. This temporal comfort translates into a training routine that is easier to maintain, which is essential for achieving lasting results.

Comfort and privacy are also aspects that should not be overlooked. At home, you are sheltered from view, in a space that you have chosen and arranged according to your tastes. This privacy promotes better concentration on your session, without external distractions. In addition, practicing at home also means avoiding journeys, traffic jams, and crowded changing rooms. You not only save time, but also money: no more need for expensive subscriptions or travel expenses. Aquabiking at home is a smart investment that, in the long term, proves to be particularly profitable.

How to prepare your space for aquabiking?

Choosing the right equipment

Aquabiking at home starts with choosing the right equipment. It’s not just about buying a water bike, but choosing a model that fits your needs and your space. First of all, consider the size and weight of the bike. It should be compact enough to fit into your space without taking up space, but also sturdy enough to provide optimal stability during your sessions. Then, pay attention to the materials: a stainless steel aquabike, which is resistant to corrosion, is ideal for long-lasting use.

Another important criterion is the ease of adjustment. Opt for a model with an adjustable saddle and handlebars to ensure maximum comfort and correct posture. Also consider additional accessories that can enhance your experience, such as ergonomic pedals or integrated resistance bands. For added safety, consider purchasing a non-slip mat to place under the bike. This simple addition prevents the aquabike from sliding during training and also protects your floor from splashes.

Create a secure space

Once you have selected the right equipment, it is crucial to prepare a safe space for your aquabiking sessions. Start by choosing a location with a flat surface to avoid any risk of tipping over. Also make sure that the space around the bike is clear so that you can move around freely without the risk of hitting anything.

Ventilation is another essential aspect. During your sessions, you will sweat and generate humidity. A well-ventilated space helps maintain a pleasant atmosphere and prevent excessive condensation. In addition, good ventilation reduces the risk of mold, especially if you install your aquabike in a humid room such as a bathroom.

Lighting should not be overlooked either. Sufficient lighting helps you see clearly during training and maintain correct posture. Opt for natural light if possible, or for soft but effective lighting. Finally, consider installing a mirror nearby: it will allow you to monitor your posture and adjust your movements in real time, thus maximizing the effectiveness of your session.

Aquabike exercises to do alone

Warming up

Before starting any aquabike session, it is essential to warm up properly. Warming up prepares your body for the effort by gradually increasing your heart rate and activating your muscles. It also helps reduce the risk of injury and makes your workout more effective. A good warm-up should not be neglected, even if you are in a hurry.

For an effective warm-up, start by pedaling at a slow pace for 5 to 10 minutes. Focus on deep, steady breathing to oxygenate your muscles. Then, vary the movements: alternate pedaling forward and backward to activate different muscle groups. You can also include underwater arm movements, such as kicks or rotations, to warm up your upper body. The goal is to gently wake up your body so that it is ready to give its best during the session.

Basic exercises

Aquabiking is a complete sport, but to maximize its benefits, it is important to master a few basic exercises. Let's start with the pedaling forward and backward. It may seem simple, but proper technique is essential to avoid pain and maximize efficiency. For forward pedaling, sit up straight, engage your abs, and push firmly into the pedals. Your knees should stay in line with your feet, but not too far apart. Backward pedaling, on the other hand, puts more stress on your hamstrings and glutes. Always maintain a straight and fluid posture to avoid injury.

Another effective core exercise is the climbs and descents, which simulate hills. To do this, imagine that you are going up a hill: increase the resistance of your aquabike and pedal while standing. This movement strengthens your quadriceps, your glutes, and improves your endurance. To go back down, release the resistance and return to a seated position, maintaining a sustained rhythm. This exercise is perfect for toning the leg muscles while stimulating your cardiovascular system.

Advanced exercises

Once you have mastered the basics, you can move on to advanced exercises to intensify your sessions. The interval sprint is a great way to burn calories and improve your speed. The structure is simple: alternate between intense sprinting phases of 20 to 30 seconds and active recovery phases of 40 seconds to a minute. Repeat this cycle 8 to 10 times for a session that pushes you to your limits.

For an added challenge, try some resistance exercises using water weights. You can attach them to your ankles or hold them in your hands to increase the difficulty. While pedaling, these weights add extra resistance, further challenging your muscles and making the workout more intense. These exercises are particularly effective for sculpting your body and increasing your muscle strength.

Tips to maximize your aquabike session

Tracking progress

To get the most out of your aquabike sessions, it is essential to track your progress regularly. This tracking allows you to measure your improvements, stay motivated and adjust your training according to your goals. Several tools are at your disposal for effective monitoring.

First, consider using mobile applications dedicated to sports tracking. These applications allow you to log your sessions, track your calories burned, your heart rate and even the distance covered while pedaling. Some applications also offer personalized training plans that adapt to your level and your goals, whether for weight loss, muscle strengthening or improving endurance.

If you prefer a more traditional approach, keep a logbook can also be very beneficial. Record the duration of your sessions, the exercises performed, the resistance used, as well as how you feel after training. This logbook will allow you to see your progress over the weeks and stay committed to your aquabike routine. In addition, it helps you identify the exercises that work best for you and adapt your sessions accordingly.

Importance of regularity

Consistency is the key to maximizing the benefits of aquabiking. Even the best exercises only bring results if you practice them regularly. For this, it is crucial to define a realistic workout routine and stick to it. Try to schedule at least three sessions per week to maintain a good rhythm. Regularity allows you to build constant progress, both in terms of endurance and muscle strengthening.

However, regularity does not mean monotony. Vary your sessions to avoid boredom and maintain your motivation. Alternate between endurance sessions, resistance exercises, and sprints for a complete and balanced workout. Also, don't forget to take into account rest and recovery periods, which are essential to avoid overtraining and optimize your performance. By being regular while diversifying your sessions, you not only maximize physical results, but also the pleasure you take in practicing aquabiking.

Aquabike à domicile : un groupe de personnes réalise de l'aquabike


Aquabiking at home is a convenient way to improve your fitness while staying on schedule. By choosing the right equipment and setting up a safe space, you can maximize the benefits of this practice. Don't forget to track your progress to stay motivated and consistent.

Aquabike exercises, whether basic or advanced, allow you to work on endurance, strength and resistance. Each session brings you closer to your goals, combining efficiency and comfort.

Do aquabiking with Aqua By

Have you never tried aquabiking? Aqua by is the ideal place to live this experience in a unique way!

Our 45-minute sessions combine sport and relaxation, taking advantage of the benefits of water. Guided by passionate coaches, our group classes guarantee efficiency and pleasure for all.

At Aqua by, whatever your level, our sessions are adapted to everyone. After the effort, relax in our sauna and hammam for total relaxation.

Ready to try it? Book your aquabike session and discover the world of Aqua by! Our studios in Paris (Réaumur, Bastille, Charonne) and Boulogne are waiting for you.



welcome pack

1 session purchased = 1 free


Soit 26 crédits qui vous permettront de réaliser au minimum deux sessions* au choix parmi nos 6 activités.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)

Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.