
The support of a sports coach in Paris, a must!

Reading time : 2 min


Are you lacking energy? Do you want to get back into sport to improve your well-being? If you can't find the motivation you need, why not call on a sports coach in Paris ? Believe us: support from a coach, it can make all the difference!

What is the point of being accompanied by a coach in Paris?

Doing sports, whether bodybuilding or aquabike, it is important for health. You know it... and yet, you can't find the motivation to do a fitness session every week.

Every time you have to put on your sneakers or your swimsuit, you give up... You are too tired after this long day of work. And what's more, it's raining and it's cold, so you only want to go home and get comfortable under the duvet!

If you find yourself in these few lines, we can only advise you to be accompanied by a sports coach in Paris :

  • It can help you find motivation: nothing is more effective than the encouragement of a coach!
  • He will be able to define a program adapted to your level, your needs and your objectives: weight loss, fitness, bodybuilding, etc.
  • It can adapt to your schedule: it will accompany you during your sports session in the morning, evening, weekend or even during your lunch break.

You want do aquabike to regain vitality and feel better in your body?

If you choose this sport, know that the involvement of sports coach is very important:

  • He is the one who decides the music and the rhythm of the session: he knows how to choose the songs and exercises that allow you to maintain your motivation for 45 minutes!
  • Throughout the session, it monitors your posture. This will guarantee you not to get hurt.
  • Finally, the aquabike coach encourages his students and helps them achieve the set goals. For example, if you want to lose weight and refine your figure, he can recommend specific exercises and monitor your progress.


At Aqua by, we work with professional coaches which will allow you to give the best of yourself. If you want to get to know them, all you have to do is discover their biography on our website.

If you live (or work) in Paris and are looking for a trusted sports coach close to you for your aquabiking sessions, the support offered by Aqua by will help you find motivation and fitness.



welcome pack

1 session purchased = 1 free


Soit 26 crédits qui vous permettront de réaliser au minimum deux sessions* au choix parmi nos 6 activités.

Only one purchase possible
Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)

Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.