mouvement aquagym : boxeur


Aquagym movement: the best exercises to tone up

Reading time : 11 min


Are you looking for a complete sporting activity that is gentle on the joints? Aquagym is for you. It combines fitness exercises and the benefits of water, providing an effective and enjoyable workout.

In this article, discover the best aquagym movements to tone your body. We will present programs suitable for all levels, from beginners to experts. You will also learn how this practice can help you lose weight and improve your overall well-being.

Ready to dive into the world of aquagym? Follow us to explore all its benefits and integrate this activity into your routine.

What is aquagym?

Definition and basic principles

Aquagym, or aquatic gymnastics, is a sporting activity carried out in water, often in a swimming pool. It combines traditional fitness movements and exercises specific to the aquatic environment. The basic principles of aqua aerobics rely on the natural resistance of water, which intensifies the exercises without excessive impact on the joints. Each movement meets the resistance of the water, which allows you to tone the muscles effectively and gently. It is a practice accessible to everyone, regardless of fitness level, thanks to the possibility of adapting the intensity of the movements. You can also combine aquagym with aquawork

mouvement aquagym : cours

Health and Fitness Benefits

Aquagym offers a multitude of benefits for health and fitness. First of all, it makes it possible to improve the cardiovascular condition by strengthening the heart and lungs. Then, this discipline helps to tone the muscles thanks to the resistance of the water, which uses all muscle groups in a balanced manner. 

In addition to strengthening muscles, aquagym is excellent for flexibility and the joint mobility, which is beneficial for preventing injuries and improving posture. Immersion in water also reduces muscle and joint pain, making this activity particularly recommended for people with arthritis or chronic pain.

Finally, practicing aquagym can contribute to reduce stress and improve mood thanks to the relaxing effects of water and the production of endorphins, the feel-good hormones, released during exercise. In short, aquagym is a complete activity that combines pleasure and health benefits, while being accessible to everyone.

Why do aquagym?

Low impact on joints

One of the main benefits of aqua aerobics is its low impact on the joints. Unlike running or other high-impact forms of exercise, water aerobics is done in water, which significantly reduces stress on the knees, hips and spine. Water supports your body, allowing you to perform fluid movements without feeling pain or discomfort. It is therefore an excellent option for people suffering from arthritis, joint injuries, or those looking to return to physical activity gently after recovery.

Effectiveness for stress management

Aquagym is also known for its effectiveness in stress management. Physical exercise, in general, stimulates the production of endorphins, the happy hormones, which help reduce stress and improve mood. But water adds an extra dimension: its enveloping and soothing sensation acts as a natural antidote to stress. The sound of the water, the buoyancy and the gentle movements create a relaxing atmosphere that allows you to disconnect from everyday life and focus on yourself. In short, an aquagym session is real aquatic therapy.

Adaptability to all fitness levels

Water aerobics is an incredibly adaptable activity, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of fitness level. Whether you are an experienced athlete or a beginner, you can adjust the intensity of the exercises according to your abilities. Movements can be modified to be more or less difficult, and using props like foam fries or aqua dumbbells can add resistance or make certain exercises easier. This adaptability makes aqua aerobics an ideal option for the elderly, pregnant women, or anyone looking to improve their physical fitness in a gradual and safe way.

In conclusion, aquagym is a beneficial sporting activity on several levels. It protects your joints, helps manage stress and adapts to all profiles. Incorporating water aerobics into your fitness routine might just be the secret to a healthier body and calmer mind. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in?

The basics of aquagym

Necessary equipment

To start water aerobics, it is essential to have the right equipment. Here are the basic elements for a successful session:

Adapted swimsuit

A comfortable, well-fitting swimsuit is crucial for practicing aqua aerobics. Prefer one-piece models that offer good support, especially for dynamic movements. Sports swimwear is designed to be chlorine resistant and provide great freedom of movement. They are often made of resistant and elastic materials, guaranteeing comfort and durability during your sessions.

Optional accessories (fries, aquatic dumbbells, etc.)

Accessories can enrich and vary your aquagym sessions. Here are some popular options:

Foam fries : They are versatile and can be used for flotation, balance and muscle strengthening.

Aquatic dumbbells : These light weights increase the resistance of the water, intensifying the work of the arms and upper body.

Flotation belts : They help maintain a vertical position in the water, making certain exercises easier.

Webbed gloves : They increase resistance and put more strain on the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

Precautions to take

To fully enjoy aquagym in complete safety, here are some important precautions:


Even though you're surrounded by water, it's crucial to stay well hydrated. Bring a bottle of water and drink regularly before, during and after your session. Water exercise can mask signs of dehydration, so don't ignore them.

Warming up

A good warm-up is essential to prepare your body for exercise. Walk in the water for a few minutes, followed by gentle movements to mobilize all joints. This reduces the risk of injury and improves your performance.

Adaptation to water temperature

Make sure the pool water is at a comfortable temperature, ideally between 28 and 30 degrees Celsius. Water that is too cold or too hot can affect your comfort and performance. Take time to acclimatize by entering the water gradually.

By following these tips and equipping yourself correctly, you will be ready to get the most out of your water aerobics sessions. It is an accessible and enriching activity, which will help you improve your physical condition while having fun.

The best aquagym movements to tone up

Upper body exercises

The aquatic boxer

Aquatic boxing involves simulating boxing movements in water. Standing in the pool with your feet shoulder-width apart, perform punching motions with your arms underwater.

This movement mainly uses the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest.

For variety, you can add core rotations or use water dumbbells to increase resistance.

Arms outstretched

Standing in the water, extend your arms out in front of you and make sweeping motions outward and inward. Keep your arms straight and movements fluid.

This exercise strengthens the deltoids, biceps and triceps, while improving shoulder mobility.

Lower body exercises

The water bike

In an upright position, pedal like a bicycle. Be sure to bend your knees and make full circular movements.

This exercise tones the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves, while improving muscular endurance.

Increase the speed of the movements or use foam fries to add resistance.

Aquatic lunges

Standing, take a big step forward with one leg, then bend your knees to lower your body. Return to the starting position and switch legs.

Lunges strengthen the muscles of the thighs and glutes and improve balance.

Start with 10 reps per leg, then increase by 5 reps each week. Add aquatic dumbbells for added resistance.

Abdominal exercises

The aquatic crunch

To ensure maximum engagement of your abdominals, start in a lying position on your back, legs bent, bring your knees towards your chest while contracting your abdominals. Slowly return to the starting position.

To vary the exercise, you can use a foam pad under your back for added stability and to target different abdominal muscles.

The floating board

Supporting your forearms and toes, keep your body straight like a board. Water helps support the body, but engages the core muscles.

Start by holding the position for 20 seconds and gradually increase to 1 minute.

The board strengthens the core, improves posture and stabilizes the deep muscles of the trunk.

These aquagym exercises are perfect for toning the entire body. By integrating them regularly into your routine, you will quickly see improvements in terms of strength, endurance and figure.

Aquagym workout programs for beginners

2 week program to get started

Frequency of sessions

To begin, it is recommended to practice aquagym 2 to 3 times a week. This frequency allows you to get used to the exercise without overloading the body. Leave a day of rest between each session to promote muscle recovery and avoid injuries.

Duration and intensity

Each session should last about 45 minutes. Start with a 10-minute warm-up to prepare your body. Follow up with 30 minutes of varied exercises, ending with 5 minutes of recovery and stretching. Keep the intensity moderate, especially during the first sessions, to allow your body to gradually adapt to the effort.

Example of a typical session

  1. 10 minute warm-up:

   – Walk in the water

   – Arm circles

   – Knee raises

  1. Main exercises (30 minutes) :

   – Aquatic boxer : 3 sets of 15 repetitions

   – Water bike : 3 sets of 1 minute

   – Aquatic lunges : 3 sets of 10 repetitions per leg

   – Aquatic crunch : 3 sets of 15 repetitions

  1. Recovery and stretching (5 minutes) :

   – Arm and leg stretches

   - Deep breathing

Program progression and adaptation

How to increase the difficulty

After two weeks, it is time to intensify your sessions to continue progressing. Increase the number of repetitions or duration of exercises. For example, go from 3 sets of 15 reps to 4 sets of 20 reps for movements like the water boxer or water crunches. You can also add accessories like water dumbbells to increase resistance.

Signs to intensify training

If you start to find the sessions easy and you no longer feel muscle fatigue after training, this is a sign that you need to increase the intensity. Likewise, if your heart rate remains low during exercise, it indicates that your body has adapted and it's time to take on the challenge.

Tips for Maintaining Motivation

To stay motivated, vary the exercises and accessories. Try new moves or participate in aquagym class in a group for more dynamism. Set short-term goals, like completing a new movement or increasing the number of repetitions. Finally, don't forget to celebrate your progress and reward yourself for your perseverance.

With this beginner's program, you'll be on your way to improving your fitness in a fun and effective way. Aquagym is a pleasant activity that can quickly become a key part of your wellness routine. Dive in and get started today!

Advanced aquagym movement: movements for experts

High-intensity exercises

The aquatic star jump

Standing in the water, start with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jump while simultaneously spreading your legs and arms to form a star. Return to the initial position by jumping again. Maintain a brisk pace to maximize intensity.

This exercise elevates your heart rate, improving cardiovascular endurance. It also uses all the muscles, particularly the legs, arms and trunk.

Make sure you warm up well before you start. Pay close attention to technique to avoid injuries, especially to the knees and ankles. If necessary, start with smaller movements and gradually increase.

The aquatic sprint

In a part of the pool where you have footing, run as fast as you can using sprinting movements. Focus on taking quick, powerful strides while using your arms to propel yourself.

Water sprinting is a great exercise for building endurance, muscle power and speed. Water adds natural resistance, making the exercise more intense than sprinting on land.

Alternate 30 seconds of water sprinting with 30 seconds of active recovery (walking in the water). Repeat this cycle for 10 to 15 minutes for an effective interval workout.

Examples of training circuits

Recommended duration and number of repetitions

An advanced aqua aerobics circuit may include several high-intensity exercises, performed one after the other with little rest in between. Here is an example circuit:

  1. Aquatic star jump : 3 sets of 15 repetitions
  2. Water sprint : 3 sets of 30 seconds
  3. Floating board : 3 sets of 1 minute
  4. Aquatic lunges with dumbbells : 3 sets of 12 repetitions per leg

Repeat this circuit 2 to 3 times for a complete session of 45 to 60 minutes.

Tips to Maximize Results

To get the most out of your advanced sessions, be sure to maintain good technique for each exercise. Focus on controlled, precise movements. Use accessories like webbed gloves or dumbbells to increase the resistance and intensity of your exercises. Finally, don't forget to hydrate regularly and stretch well after each session to promote recovery and prevent aches.

Advanced aqua aerobics is ideal for those looking to push their limits and achieve significant results in strength, endurance and overall fitness. By incorporating these movements and circuits into your routine, you'll reap the full benefits of an intensive aquatic workout. So, are you ready to take on the challenge? Dive into the intensity!

Aquagym and weight loss

How water aerobics helps burn calories

Water aerobics is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. The resistance of the water increases the effort required to perform each movement, allowing you to burn more calories than with similar exercises outside of water. In addition, aquagym uses all of the body's muscles, leading to high energy expenditure. On average, an aquagym session can burn between 300 and 500 calories per hour, depending on the intensity and the exercises performed.

Comparison with other physical activities

Compared to activities like walking, jogging or cycling, aquagym has the advantage of combining cardio and muscle strengthening in a single session. For example, an hour of brisk walking burns around 300 calories, while an intense session of water aerobics can burn up to 500. Additionally, water provides constant resistance, making each movement more effective in burning fats.

Number of calories burned per session

The number of calories burned during a water aerobics session depends on several factors, including the intensity of the exercise, the person's weight and fitness level. On average, a moderate session burns around 300 to 400 calories, while a more vigorous session can reach 500 calories or more. To maximize weight loss, it is recommended to combine high-intensity exercises with muscle-strengthening movements.

Factors influencing calorie expenditure

Several factors influence calorie expenditure during aquagym. Body weight plays an important role: a heavier person burns more calories than a lighter person for the same exercise. The intensity of the training is also crucial: the more intense the effort, the higher the calorie expenditure. Finally, the duration of the session and the variety of exercises also impact the total number of calories burned.

Combine aquagym and balanced diet

Nutritional advice to optimize results

To maximize the effects of aquagym on weight loss, it is essential to adopt a balanced diet. Consume meals rich in protein to promote muscle recovery and fiber to prolong the feeling of satiety. Avoid processed foods, added sugars and saturated fats. Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins like chicken, fish and legumes.

Examples of Pre and Post Workout Snacks

Before training, opt for a light snack rich in carbohydrates and protein to provide energy. For example, a banana with a spoonful of almond butter or Greek yogurt with berries. After training, choose a snack that helps with muscle recovery, such as a fruit protein smoothie or slices of turkey with raw vegetables.

By combining water aerobics with a balanced diet, you can optimize your weight loss efforts and improve your overall health. Not only is water aerobics effective for burning calories, it is also fun and refreshing, making the weight loss journey more enjoyable and sustainable. So, jump in the water and start burning those calories!

mouvement aquagym : entraînement avec frite


Aquagym is a complete activity ideal for young executives aged 25 to 35. It offers unique benefits for fitness and stress management, while being gentle on the joints. This practice, accessible to all levels, allows you to burn calories efficiently.

To start, follow an adapted program with regular and progressive sessions. Advanced movements allow you to continue to progress and achieve visible results. Combine aquagym with a balanced diet to optimize your weight loss efforts.

Discover other articles on our blog to deepen your knowledge in aquatic fitness and well-being. Continue to explore and diversify your routines for optimal results. Happy reading and see you soon in the water!

Try aquagym with aquabike

Have you never tried aquabike? At Aqua by, it's the ideal place to discover it from a new angle!

Our 45-minute sessions offer a true sporting experience, combining escape and relaxation thanks to the benefits of water. Group classes are led by motivating and attentive coaches, guaranteeing fun for everyone!

At Aqua by, everyone is welcome. Whether you are sporty or not, our sessions are suitable for all levels. To top it off, sauna and hammam await you for unparalleled relaxation.

So, tempted? Book your session aquabike and dive at Aqua by! Our 4 studios in Paris (Réaumur, Bastille, Charonne) and Boulogne await you.


Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.