Une femme attend de faire des exercices de rééducation en piscine


Rehabilitation exercises in the swimming pool: starting again gently

Reading time : 6 min


Are you looking to return to sport after an injury? Whether you are having surgery or suffering from knee pain, Aquacycling offers a gentle and effective method. In the water, the pressure on your joints decreases, allowing for gentle rehabilitation. We tell you about pool rehabilitation exercises!

Introduction to pool rehabilitation

This article explores the benefits of aquacycling, from pool rehabilitation exercises suitable for all levels, to precautions to take. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, aquacycling can adapt to your needs and help you on your rehabilitation journey. It's time to leave the edge! 

Immerse yourself in the world of aquatic re-educationis to discover a world where water becomes a precious ally in the healing process. Imagine yourself floating, the water caressing each movement, offering both resistance And support. It is in this unique setting that your body finds the space to repair itself, without the constraint of the usual forces that weigh on it on a daily basis.

The importance of aquatic rehabilitation

Water, with its gentle embrace, creates an ideal environment for rehabilitation. It's not just a question of buoyancy; it's all water physics working in your favor. Imagine that each movement is both supported and challenged, allowing for a deep muscle work without the risk linked to gravity. It's a delicate dance between the body and the water, where each gesture helps rebuild strength, mobility, and above all, self-confidence. Water is this mirror that does not lie, reflecting the progress made during each session.

Presentation of aquacycling as a rehabilitation method

Among the methods of aquatic rehabilitation, aquacycling stands out as a rising star. Imagine a bicycle, not on land, but immersed in water. It is this fusion between cycling and aquagym that creates a perfect synergy for rehabilitation. Aquacycling isn't just about pedaling through water; it's engaging your body in a holistic experience that combines cardio, muscle strengthening, and the therapeutic power of water. 

The benefits of aquacycling

When you dive into the world of aquacycling, you discover much more than just an aquatic activity. It's a journey towards a better version of yourself, where each pedal stroke in the water rhymes with health And well-being. Let's take a closer look at how this practice is revolutionizing rehabilitation and fitness.

Body relief and reduction of joint pressure

Imagine for a moment that gravity lets you go, that the weight of your body becomes lighter, as if you could fly. Aquacycling makes this almost possible. Water makes your body feel better light, allowing your joints to experience unprecedented freedom. This body relief reduces pressure on the knees, ankles, and back, transforming each exercise into a liberating experience. It's as if each pedal rotation sends a message of comfort to your joints, saying, "I've got you covered."

Improved muscle amplitude and balance

Aquacycling doesn't just take care of your joints; he sculpt also your body with the precision of a goldsmith. Underwater, each movement becomes more demanding, building your muscles with deceptive smoothness. Water resistance is that demanding but fair master, who pushes your muscles to develop, while respecting their pace. It is in this water, both soft and firm, that your muscular range increases, that your balance finds its anchor point. You're no longer just pedaling; you are dancing with the laws of physics, redrawing the contours of your strength and agility. Finally, aquabiking is good for the stomach.

Une femme nage et fait des exercices de rééducation en piscine

Aquacycling rehabilitation exercises

Aquacycling, an aquatic symphony where every movement counts. It's a dance between the water and the cyclist, a perfect harmony for rehabilitation. Let's take a closer look at how this underwater ballet unfolds at different levels.

For beginners: the foundations

At the start, we focus on simplicity. Of the gentle rotations, the water caressing the legs, offers a reassuring first contact. This is the basis, the discovery.

Light pedaling : without forcing, just feel the water, understand its resistance.

Back support : right on the bike, learn to keep balance, water for support.

Gentle bends : alternating one leg after the other, to feel the water, its support, its opposition.

Intermediates: increase the intensity

Here, we already know water, we are starting to play with it. The exercises become more difficult, resistance becomes a challenge.

Pedaling with resistance: increase strength, challenge the water, feel the muscles respond.

Short sprints: brief but intense accelerations, the water resists, the muscles assert themselves.

Flexions with resistance: hold a float in your hands, push it underwater with each bend, feel the push.

Advanced: mastery

The advanced dance with the water. Every movement is precise, every pedal stroke is an affirmation.

Interval training: rapid alternation between intense effort and recovery, a game of speed and endurance.

Pedaling like a dancer: rising from the seat, defying gravity and water, a struggle full of grace.

Use of accessories: fins on the feet, water weights in the hands, each accessory transforms the exercise, making it a new adventure.

Movements accompanied by water

Water is that partner that never lets you down. It accompanies each movement, adding a natural resistance that strengthens without hitting. It is a caress that sculpts, a whisper that strengthens. Water-assisted movements aren't just exercises; it is a conversation with the element, where each gesture is listened to, each effort rewarded by a feeling of progress.

Progression and intensification of exercises

Once the basics are mastered, the adventure continues. Aquacycling invites you to explore new territories, where the intensity grows with you. It is a journey where every step is a challenge, every challenge a victory.

Use of muscle strengthening accessories

And then there are the accessories: fins, floats, water weights. Each of them adds a layer of complexity, an extra nuance to your workout. Imagine these accessories like spices in a dish: a little here, a little there, to transform a simple aquacycling session into a feast of sensations and progress. It is this variety which builds strength, which sculpts endurance, which refines balance. With them, each pedal stroke becomes an exploration, each session a discovery.

Contraindications and precautions

Aquacycling is a marvel of the world of rehabilitation, an ally for many. But, as with any adventure, there are maps to consult before setting off. Certain shores should be avoided, and certain precautions are required to navigate in complete safety.

Situations requiring special attention

Before diving into the water, it is crucial to know the contraindications. Here are some lighthouses to look out for:

Serious cardiovascular problems: If your heart is already beating to the rhythm of the tumultuous waves, it is best to consult your doctor.

Acute injuries or inflammations: Water soothes, but it is not a magician. Waiting for the storm to pass is sometimes the best option.

Open skin problems: Water is good; but in this case, it can become a journey towards other concerns. Better to heal before you get wet.

Tips for safe aquacycling

Aquacycling is your ship to rehabilitation, and here's how to keep it in good shape:

Listen to your body: He is the captain of your journey. Discomfort? A pain ? It's time to consult the map and sometimes make a stopover.

Hydration: Paradox? No, necessity. Even when surrounded by water, your body needs its bottle of fresh water to stay afloat.

Warming up : Even in the water, muscles like to prepare for the journey. A few stretches before getting on the bike can prevent wrecks.

Be careful with accessories: They can enrich the expedition but used wrongly, they lead to troubled waters. A guide (instructor) can show you the way.

Continue rehabilitation after aquacycling

After having navigated the beneficial waters of aquacycling, the adventure does not stop there. A world of possibilities opens up to you, an ocean of activities to continue on the wave of rehabilitation. Let's explore together the horizons that extend beyond aquacycling.

Transition to other aquatic activities

Aquacycling has prepared you, strengthened you, and now it's time to cast off for new aquatic challenges.

Water aerobics : A classic, but still just as effective. Aquagym is versatility, fitness in water, accessible to everyone.

Aquafooting: For those who want to continue to challenge the resistance of water, aquafooting is a walk (or run) to rehabilitation, with water up to your waist or more.

Swimming : After cycling, why not let yourself be carried away by your own movements? Swimming is this complete journey, where each swim is a door to greater strength and flexibility.

Une femme fait des exercices de rééducation en piscine


Aquacycling is emerging as an innovative rehabilitation method, combining the pleasure of aquatic exercise with therapeutic benefits. This practice promotes gentle but effective rehabilitation, reducing joint pressure while improving muscle range and balance. It presents itself as an ideal solution for those seeking gentle reeducation, by offering a safe and motivating environment.

Although beneficial, aquacycling requires a cautious approach, with particular attention to contraindications and the adoption of safe practices. The importance of listening to your body and hygiene remains essential to avoid any risk and maximize the benefits of this activity.

Do your rehabilitation at Aqua By

If you are a fan of swimming or someaquatic ports, you will love discovering aquabike at Aqua by.

Aqua by offers an authentic sporting experience centered on aquabike, with group classes designed to push you to surpass yourself and escape.

Each session of 45 minutes is led by dynamic and encouraging coaches, ready to motivate you to fully enjoy your aquabike session!

Sessions are open to everyone, regardless of your fitness level. At Aqua by, everyone finds their place in the water.

And to top it all off, after your workout, relax in our sauna Or hammam – the perfect touch for a relaxing end to the session.

Want to try aquabike? Join us in one of our studios in the heart of Paris (Bastille, Charonne, Réaumur) or in Boulogne! 

Don't wait any longer, book your session and dive into the adventure! 💦



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Soit 26 crédits qui vous permettront de réaliser au minimum deux sessions* au choix parmi nos 6 activités.

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Credits valid for 1 month after purchase
*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)

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Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.