sport piscine ou sport en salle : femme qui nage dans une piscine


Pool sport or indoor sport: what to choose?

Reading time : 6 min



You aim to return to sport ? So what to choose between pool sport or indoor sport ? To choose, it is important to determine your goals but also your desires. Summer is coming so you may want to refresh yourself while doing your sport. Let's take stock together!

Pool sport or indoor sport: the elements to make a choice

Before developing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of sport, it is important to ask yourself the right questions. What are your desires, what are your objectives, what are your availability? 

How to make a choice ?

Before making a choice, ask yourself the following questions which will allow you to determine precisely what you want: 

  • your goals : lose weight, return to sport to maintain yourself; gain muscle mass, work on your cardio, let off steam, relax, etc.
  • your preferences : choosing a sport that you like is the main thing! This will allow you to maintain flawless motivation and to be diligent in the discipline.
  • your physical state : injured, not having played sport for several months or several years, pregnant, very fit, etc.
  • and your availability : once a week, only on weekends, in the morning before going to the office, in the evening after the working day, during vacations, etc.

In this way, you will already be able to direct your choice towards a category of sports, then towards a specific sporting discipline !

You do not know what sport to do during the holidays ? Check out our dedicated article! 

The arrival of sunny days to take the plunge

THE beautiful days are finally starting to show up and we are very happy about it! After a long winter, what could be better than get back into shape while enjoying a refreshing bath?

This is the advantage of swimming pool sports sessions which allow you to fight against the heat and of work your body without increasing the risk of injury, especially if it's been a long time since you worked your muscles.

SO, swap your pair of running sneakers for your swimsuit and take the plunge!


sport piscine ou sport en salle : femme en train de faire de l'aquabike

Getting started in swimming pool sports

THE swimming pool sport, whether it is swimming like aquabike, has a large number of benefits particularly thanks to the softness that water provides on the movements performed. We will explain everything to you.

The advantages of swimming pool sports

If you choose to do sports in a swimming pool, you will quickly notice all the benefits what the disciplines bring you: 

  • a full body workout : legs, arms, etc. your whole body is sheathed!
  • movements softened by water : water absorbs the shocks of movements and prevents you from injuring yourself, particularly in the joints
  • a development of the strength of your body : the resistance of the water accentuates the movements that you make easily in the air, so you can work on your strength 
  • the work of your cardio : you increase your heart rate to carry out the movements requested by the coach and quite simply to swim
  • helps reduce stress : your mind escapes and you gain a good mood! 
  • your cellulite is put to the test : water provides a shaping and draining effect thanks to the effect of water on blood circulation
  • often in group lessons for aquabike : the collective effect and the courses led by coaches are motivating and “force” you to surpass yourself!
  • ideal in case of extreme heat to take a cool break : the water in swimming pools and ponds is not generally very hot, which is desirable in the event of extreme heat
  • sports for all ages : a minimum of impacts and shocks for the muscles and joints which allows everyone to practice aquagym, aquabike or even swimming


To find out more about the bodybuilding and swimming, check out our article on the subject!

Despite some drawbacks

Like any sport, you can find disadvantages and to be fully sure of your choice, you must keep them in mind: 

  • sports not conducive to relaxation : certain sporting activities allow you to find time to come face to face with yourself and escape for a moment, such as yoga or stretching, which is not the case for swimming or aquabiking  
  • can be discouraging : getting wet, putting on a swimsuit, having your hair wet after your session, keeping wet things in your bag, fear of catching a cold, etc.
  • fear of judgment from others : putting on a swimsuit can reveal many complexes and fear of others' judgment regarding your body. Be proud of who you are and find enough strength within yourself to not let it stop you from doing the water sports activities you love.


Opt for the indoor sports option

THE Indoor sports, notably the gym, also has advantages and disadvantages. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some to help you make your choice.

The benefits of indoor sports

Take for example sports halls which allow you to do weight training For develop your muscles, her cardio thanks to fitness exercises, of the weight and specific machines

Thus, doing sports in the gym has several advantages such as : 

  • allows you to target a muscle or part of the body : leg session, arm session, glute session, etc. you can therefore divide your program and only target certain parts of the body according to your objectives
  • varied and multiple equipment : the sports halls provide you with numerous equipment, so you will inevitably find what you need
  • no need to wear a swimsuit : unlike an aquatic activity you do not need to show your body, which can be a real ordeal for many. However, you can just as easily get wet from sweating 😉
  • ideal for winter : this allows you to do sports in a sheltered and warm way!
  • possibility to go there whenever you want : no need to register for a course to be able to practice. Just go to your gym and do your workout for as long as you want

The inconvenients

Nevertheless, there is several disadvantages which can potentially change your mind about indoor sports: 

  • aggressive exercises for the body : some machines allow you to work your muscles but the exercises may be too harsh for your muscles and joints
  • an autonomy that can discourage : lack of motivation, difficulty doing certain exercises, etc.
  • risk of injury : it is possible not to know how to do certain exercises and to get injured 
  • difficult to know your limit : being mainly left to our own devices, we can sometimes work our muscles for too long and therefore exceed our physical limits
  • motivation can be difficult to find : being generally a solitary sport, motivation is sometimes difficult to find and maintain to achieve your goals
  • insecurity : in some gyms mainly frequented by men, it is possible to not feel out of place and comfortable as a woman


sport piscine ou sport en salle : couple qui fait des fentes avec des poids

What you should remember

If you want to choose between pool sport or indoor sport, you must take into account several criteria which will facilitate your orientation towards a discipline. THE sports swimming pool can suit all types of people which is: 

  • advantages
    • allows you to work the whole body at once
    • little risk of injury because the movements made are cushioned by the water
    • work your cardio effectively
    • helps reduce your stress
    • ideal for cooling off
    • the enemy of cellulite
    • suitable for everyone
    • often group classes (aquagym, aquabike) which promote motivation
    • builds your body strength through water resistance
  • the inconvenients
    • motivation can be difficult to find and maintain
    • these sports do not have a relaxation dimension
    • discouraging for some on several points (putting on a swimsuit, getting wet, etc.)


THE Indoor sports, such as in the gym, allows you to precisely target the development of your muscles, THE cardio work and thefree and autonomous aspect of practice. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some advantages and disadvantages to give you an idea: 

  • advantages
    • easily target any part of the body 
    • provision of a lot of varied equipment
    • possibility to go there any day, at any time
    • interesting comfort because it is located indoors
  • the inconvenients :
    • possibility of injury: difficulty finding one's limits alone, poor performance of exercises, etc.
    • very independent sport: difficulty doing the exercises, sometimes difficult motivation, etc.


Now that you have a little more ideas about these types of sports, have you made your choice between pool sports or indoor sports? You can just as easily make choice according to seasonality and then see which one you prefer!

Discover aquabike at Aqua by

Do you prefer to do a sport in the water? You have come to the right place! Come and discover aquabike at Aqua by !

Leave your prejudices about aquabike in the closet and discover a rhythmic, modern and dynamic way of doing aquabiking. In the program : 45 minutes collective session, with coaches as smiling as they are motivating and crazy playlists ! You will work your whole body to gently strengthen your muscles using water.

After having done your session, you can enjoy a sauna and/or hammam session before leaving. What relax after the sports session you just did 😉 


Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.