Une femme enceinte tenant son ventre


Swimming Pregnant Woman: Swimming During Your Pregnancy is Yes!

Reading time : 6 min


When you are pregnant, continue to practice, or start, a physical activity can make you much good.

There swimming is part of gentlest sports to do during pregnancy. Your joints do not suffer shocks, your body is carried by the water, etc.

We tell you more in this article, so don’t move!

Swimming while pregnant is totally possible

Swimming is a gentle sport thanks to the benefits of water. In fact, it allows you to carry out the movements more easily. Water also gives you feeling of lightness and relaxation.

With swimming you strengthen your body, and that, without shock for your joints.

It is also a very good way to make a cardiovascular exercise and of focus on your breath.

To swim without fear during your pregnancy, vary the strokes and take breaks regularly.

Make slow movements And control your breathing so as not to run out of breath too quickly.

During pregnancy, swimming allows you to combine physical activity and relaxation. Additionally, you can swim even if you have:

  • Nausea
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Back and/or pelvis pain
  • Or if you are retaining water

What strokes to practice when you are pregnant?

When swimming during pregnancy, favor crawl and backstroke. There best swimming remains the backstroke, because she protects your perineum.

You can also try to swim breaststroke, but all slowly. It can accentuate the arch of your back, so if you don't feel comfortable, return to crawl or backstroke.

As for the butterfly, we advise you to avoid it. Especially if you're not used to swimming it normally.

For what ? Because when you swim the butterfly, your abs are a lot stretched and your very arched back.

If you are a confirmed swimmer, you can to try the butterfly, but be careful. If you experience discomfort or pain, stop and return to crawl or backstroke.

Of course, everything will depend on your feelings. Every pregnant woman experiences her pregnancy differently. Maybe your best friend had no problem swimming breaststroke, where you might.

Swim according to your feelings. But still be careful to avoid THE movements that twist your torso too much and which oblige you to dig your back.

The benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Practicing swimming while pregnant is beneficial for both your body and your mind:

  • YOU tone your body, especially your back and your abdominal strap.
  • Swim promotes your blood circulation.
  • It helps you to reduce pregnancy pain (edema, nausea, etc.).
  • Swimming helps relieve stress and anxiety.
  • She relieves the feeling of heaviness, especially in your legs.
  • It helps you to relax (body and mind).
  • Swimming allows you to move your body without pain.
  • You do work your joints smoothly and without shock.
  • She allows to control your weight gain.
  • Swimming helps regulate your blood sugar (Gestational Diabetes).
  • YOU maintain your breathing capacity And cardiovascular.
  • You learn how to manage your breath.
  • Swimming helps you keep good posture.
  • By spending yourself, your sleep improves.
  • You keep a good body temperature during exercise.


Swimming during pregnancy a lot of advantages. But it exists some contraindications which you should be aware of.

Some contraindications

Avoid swimming during pregnancy if you have:

  • Of the chlorine allergies
  • THE cervix slightly open
  • A heart failure Or respiratory
  • Of the infections
  • Of high blood pressure
  • Of the risks of premature birth


To be sure, seek medical advice from your doctor, gynecologist and/or midwife.

At what pace should you swim when you are pregnant?

Don't overdo it, adopt a gentle, slow pace. Leave aside the performance aspect, focus on your well-being.

The rhythm also goes depend on your level of practice and your usual frequency before your pregnancy :

  • If you are a regular swimmer : keep your usual rhythm without forcing too much.
  • If you swim little, even no way : start very slowly, without making too intense an effort.


Since your lung capacity decreases during pregnancy, do not hesitate to adapt your practice. Vary the sessions according to your feelings.

For example, you can opt for sessions from 20 minutes to 45 minutes maximum depending on your level of practice.

A rhythm of 2 to 3 sessions per week will be more than enough for you to enjoy the benefits of swimming.

Can you swim while pregnant during your three trimesters?

The answer is yes. But as we told you above, each woman experiences a different pregnancy. So, to make sure you can swim, seek medical advice.

Swimming while pregnant during your 1st trimester

When you are in your 1st trimester, try starting with swim about 20 minutes 3 times a week.

If you feel good, gradually increase the pace. The 1st trimester may tire you out a lot, so take it slowly. 

try to go swim in the morning. This is the best time. When you wake up you often have nausea and swimming will help you relieve.

Swimming while pregnant during your 2nd trimester

You do not have no need to change your pace. Just do watch out for signs of fatigue and to small pains. Don't hesitate to take some rest when you swim.

You can focus on the leg kicks in order to promote your blood circulation and avoid heavy legs.

Swimming while pregnant during your 3rd trimester

Once the 3rd trimester of your pregnancy is reached, slow down a little and reduce your workouts. Do not force too much and do not hesitate to space out your sessions several days if necessary.

Prefer backstroke to other strokes and finish your sessions with 10 minutes of relaxation in water. For example, you can place a fry under your neck, under your knees and let yourself float.

An example of a session to try while pregnant

When you swim, the goal is not to get out of breath, but rather to take a calm pace.

Warming up

Start by swimming slowly 100 meters crawl, 100 meters backstroke crawled and 100 meters breaststroke if you can.

If you feel the need, take a few seconds of pause between every 25 meters or 50 meters depending on the size of the pool.

The session

Once the warm-up is finished, take 1 minute to rest. For the rest, you will need a plank, of a pull buoy and of small flippers.

Start with the plank and do :

  • 150 meters kicking legs crawl
  • 150 meters kicking legs backstroke


Afterwards, take the pull-buoy and place it at the level of your thighs, knees or ankles.

  • Do 300 meters alternating crawl And backstroke every 50 meters.


Once you're done, leave the pull-buoy aside and put on your little fins.

  • Swim 100 meters quietly in crawl, then again 100 meters in backstroke.

End the session gently

Finish the session by swimming 200 meters at a slow pace and without accessories. Could you do any swim. Still choose the one where you are most comfortable.

Don't hesitate to take a few seconds of rest between each of your lengths if you feel the need.

Our tips for swimming well during pregnancy

Spoiler alert: the list is a bit long, but the advice is worth taking.

  • Listen to your body and adopt a pace that suits you.
  • Think carefully hydrate yourself before, during and after.
  • Don't swim on an empty stomach.
  • Avoid THE sprints, somersault turns, let's dive, etc.
  • Swim in a corridor with few people even person.
  • Don't do no apnea exercises.
  • You can use a plank or a fries For more comfort.
  • feel free to take breaks.
  • Vary the strokes (except those that are painful).
  • Prioritize THE pleasure and the well-being.
  • Take some group lessons in order to well master each stroke.
  • Be careful don't slip when you walk at the edge of the pool.
  • Enter the water slowly using scales.
  • If you don't feel well, stop.
  • Avoid swimming pools that are too hot (above 32°).
  • Swim with your head aligned with the rest of the body.
  • Choose one comfortable jersey for you.

Can you swim after giving birth?

The answer is yes, but you will have to wait a few weeks. Your practical must also be adapted according to your type of delivery and your state of fatigue.

For example, with a vaginal birth, you will have to wait a little longer.

In general you can go back to swimming in swimming pool 3 to 4 weeks after your delivery.

Once again, the pregnancy and childbirth are not the same for all women. So this period can be longer or shorter.

Seek medical advice your doctor, gynecologist and/or midwife to find out when you can return to swimming.

To conclude

Swimming for pregnant women is a great way to exercise all in candy and stay healthy.

Whatever the period of your pregnancy, you can swim, provided to adapt your pace depending on your feelings.

In swimming regularly and by paying attention, you will feel the benefits of swimming about your pregnancy!

Aquabiking while pregnant is also possible!

If you want to practice another activity during your pregnancy, you can also start aquabike.

The quésaco aquabike? You pedal on a bike immersed in a pool ! In addition, its benefits are similar to those of swimming.

At Aqua by our coaches adapt the sessions so that the pregnant women can enjoy our aquabike sessions!

So, if you want to dive into the deep end, book your first session and join us!

Our studios located in Paris and Boulogne are just waiting for you! 💦


Shareable subscription

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

Postponable sessions

Malade ? En congés ? Ou une semaine trop chargée vous empêche de réaliser votre/vos session(s) hebdomadaire ?

Pas de stress de perdre vos sessions! Les sessions sont reportables jusqu’à 3 semaines après la date où la session est créditée.
Chaque session créditée sur votre compte est valable pendant 4 semaines en tout.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte demande.