Personne avec un mal de dos nageant


Back Pain Swimming: Does Swimming Really Help Relieve You?

Reading time : 6 min


THE back pain can be different (low back pain, sciatica, etc.), but they affect many people.

An important factor to reduce them is of strengthen muscles which are around your spine vertebral.

Depending on your pain, swim backstroke will help you strengthen your back and alleviate your back pain.

The benefits of swimming to combat back pain

1. It is a gentle sport

In fact, in the water your body is relieved of its weight, you are as if weightless.

this will allows you to move more easily and reduce pain. Particularly pain in the joints.

Swimming then allows you to continue swimming even with back pain. Provided of course that you perform the swimming movements correctly.

2. Your spine experiences less tension

Are you wondering how? Well once again, because in water your body is lighter !

Moreover, it is a sport that you practice horizontally without being supported on the ground. Which therefore means that the weight of your body do not come not press on the column.

You swim in a well extended position, which helps to relieve your intervertebral discs and also allows you to be more flexible in the water.

3. Swimming gently strengthens the back

And not just the back! Swim gently exercises the whole body, including the back and abs which are essential in the good support for your spine and your trunk.

Because yes, back pain and pain often appear because of a weak back and abdominal muscles.

4. Swimming also helps you relieve anxiety

THE pain and the muscle tension are sometimes accentuated speak stress permanent. And this is the case with back pain.

The relaxing effect of swimming (feeling of floating, body immersed in water, etc.) will help you relieve stress and anxiety.

The fact of having to focus on your breathing and your movements lets you loosen. Both the body and your mind.

The benefits of swimming don't stop there! If you want to discover them all, we invite you to take a look at our article about benefits of swimming. 👀

Swimming also helps prevent back pain

If swimming allows you to relieve your back pain, it can also help you prevent possible back pain. How ? Because swimming allows you to:

  • Strengthen the back muscles for a more resistant back.
  • Clear out the potential muscle tension.
  • Win in flexibility by stretching your back.


It just goes to show that swimming has a good reputation when it comes to prevention or cure!

What swimming should you do to relieve your back pain?

In case of back pain, the two strokes that are recommended for you are the front crawl and the backstroke.

Backstroke first

The backstroke is the best stroke to do if you have back pain. For what ?

  • Because he strengthens more back muscles.
  • Because it allows maintain your spine alignment vertebral.
  • Because he helps to grow the thorax for a better breathing.
  • Because it allows correct curvature problems from your back.

Crawl is also possible

The crawl can be recommended depending on your pain And of your feelings. In fact it can help to:

  • Decrease your possible cervical problems.
  • Straighten the lumbar curvature thanks to the push of the water on your abdomen.


For swimming THE backstroke and the crawl with back pain, it's very important to master them well. If it's not the case, you can take some lessons with a Lifeguard or a lifeguard.

You can also try to swim with fins, but attention It can also make your pain worse than anything else.

At any rate if swimming hurts your back too much, the best thing is to stop and of turn to another activity !

Swimming to practice according to your pain

If you have scoliosis and/or sciatica

For these two back problems, the backstroke is your ally. As for the scoliosis, it will both allow correct your spinal deviation, and of strengthen your back.

If you have a herniated disc

In case of disc herniation, swim the backstroke as a priority. According to severity of your pain, you can also try the crawl and kicking on your back with a plank.

But favor the backstroke, because:

  • He does not cause rotations abrupt.
  • It helps to have a proper alignment of the spine.
  • It puts your back in a comfortable position.
  • It allows to do not apply tension on your intervertebral discs.

If you have low back pain/lumbago (lower back pain)

You can try the crawl where the backstroke. These are swims that allows you not to be too arched and that muscle your shoulders and your back.

Once again, favor the backstroke, and depending on your pain you can swim the front crawl:

  • In crawl you must make a slight twisting to breathe, which can hurt.
  • While with the backstroke, your column is straight and you don't have no rotation to do.

And if you have osteoarthritis

Everything will depend on where your osteoarthritis is located.. But whatever it is, for the relieve and the prevent, it's necessary practice physical activity.

You wonder why ?

  • Because it is important of strengthen the muscles that support the joints.
  • Because you have to continue to move your joints slowly. 


And guess what? Swimming ticks both of these boxes ! However, you must still ask your doctor the movements you can perform.

If you have the green light for swimming then you can swim the crawl and the backstroke. These two strokes will help you maintain and relieve your joints.

What swims should you avoid with back pain?

THE symmetrical swimming, that's to say, breaststroke and butterfly, should be put aside when you suffer from back pain.

To perform these two strokes, you must do undulating movements. Movements during which your column is not aligned, what :

  • Promotes curvature lower back and upper back.
  • Forces elevation of the head out of the water and can affect the neck.

Be careful of kicking your legs with a board

We told you about it a little above, according to your pain you can try kicking with a board. But only on the back or with a frontal snorkel.

Otherwise, kicking your legs on your stomach with a board risks:

  • Increase your arch in the lower back.
  • Hurt your neck, because your head East raised out of the water.

Also be careful with the pull-buoy

Swimming with a pull-buoy can helping you like this can hurt you. You will use your abs more, but that can accentuate the curvature of your lower back.

So, if you want to swim with a pull-buoy, do according to your feelings.

Is it possible to have back pain from swimming?

The answer is yes, if certain movements are done incorrectly, you can unfortunately have back pain. Generally, there is little pain in those who swim occasionally.

What are the causes ?

This back pain can be due to propulsion movement you are doing by swimming breaststroke and/or butterfly For example.

They can also come from a bad posture in the water : with the front of the body too raised to keep your head above water. In this case, the legs naturally fall into the water to compensate.

It's a position that slows you down and will then force you to raise your legs. You will then cause a pressure on your back.

This is something that often happens with:

  • THE swimmers and the inexperienced swimmers.
  • THE people which are uncomfortable in the water.

How to prevent these pains from appearing?

To avoid them:

  • Adopt a good position with the body aligned with water level.
  • Keep your head in the water, Think of look at the bottom rather than in front.
  • To breathe, do not turn your head, but make a torso rotation.
  • Use a frontal snorkel in order to limit head movements.

What to do if the pain still appears? 

If you start to feel discomfort in your back, strengthen your back with other sports like yoga, THE pilates, there bodybuilding, etc.

Also look at your position in water. Think carefully keep your chin tucked to have the head straight when you swim.

Also try to accentuate the rotation of your bust from right to left at the time of breathe and in your arm movements.

The goal is to relieve your back in the water, you are not there to set times worthy of a world champion. try feel comfortable in the water and of swim without pain first of all !

In conclusion

If you suffer from back pain, there swimming can help you to relieve them: you practice a gentle sport Who strengthens your back muscles all in relieving stress.

Always favor the backstroke other strokes, notably breaststroke and butterfly. And don't hesitate to ask your doctor or your physiotherapist THE movements that suit you best.

However, not everyone likes swimming, SO don't force yourself to go swimming! It is not a miracle solution to relieve your pain.

Do an activity you enjoy, it will be much more pleasant for you!

Aquabike to fight back pain

For example, you can try aquabike to relieve your pain. You pedal on a bicycle immersed in a pool, making this sport gentler than cycling.

The aquabike is a gentle sport without shock for your joints, ideal for working the muscles of the lower body.

At the house of Aqua by we invite you to (re)discover aquabike differently with group lessons that combine sport and fun.

So, if you want dive into the deep end, book your first session and join us.

Take the plunge in one of our studios located at Paris And Boulogne ! 💦


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