
-2 kgs in one week!

Reading time : 2 min


Next week, you're a bridesmaid in your best friend's wedding. The following week, you take it easy for a few days on the most beautiful beaches of the Caribbean Sea.
The following week, you have a very romantic date.
The problem ? Your 2 extra pounds...


To begin with, we must put aside all the false good ideas: playing green every day and skipping evening meals is certainly the last thing to do.

Become a little greener! For all the small daily tasks, we go there on foot or by bike: pick up the children from school or bread from the bakery for example. The results will be felt quickly on the scale and on the figure, and that does Mother Nature good.

No more elevators and escalators. A bad habit that we all get into, even though we live on the 1st floor. Climb the stairs on foot, contracting your abs, or 2 by 2 for the most toned. Without realizing it, we burn a lot of calories with this natural exercise.

No drastic diet. It is enough to remove all the real destructive weapons: fast food, sodas, chips, prepared meals saturated with bad fats and additives. Losing 2 kilos in a week is easy!

Don't get frustrated, it's the best way to break down. Allow yourself a few delicious but healthy dishes! Cook your favorite vegetables with spices and aromatics that will bring color and flavor. Vary the fruits for dessert, which you can prepare in fresh salads.

To lose 2 kilos, you also have to be careful about what you drink: stop overly sugary drinks such as sodas. Only one drink, the one that is good for you: WATER. You can consume it at any time, fresh, at temperature, or in the form of tea and herbal tea. Objective: 1.5 to 2 liters per day, to drain our body and help it eliminate waste.

Play sports ! Unfortunately, going shopping on foot and taking the stairs instead of the elevator won't do the trick! Cycling, jogging, swimming...or with others, fitness, aquabiking, dance classes. You can also opt for a gym where you will have access to different disciplines.

Transform into a house fairy. Quite simply, get busy mopping or vacuuming, doing your tiles or doing a little gardening. These home activities will allow you to quickly eliminate a few hundred calories without realizing it. A clean house and a beautiful figure: 2 in 1 action!

Some freshness ! In winter, don't be afraid to turn down the heating a little, or the rest of the time to take a cold shower or even sleep with the window open. Indeed, the cold is good for our metabolism. The explanation is simple: our body temperature is 37°C. However, when we drop this temperature, our body will simply expend all the energy necessary to bring it back up. A little extra tip to continue losing weight every day.

Smile at life and dance! The more sporty ones can let loose with their friends during the Zumba class. It's very effective, we burn around 450 calories in 1 hour! Otherwise, just go party and dance until the end of the night... (without specifying that alcohol abuse, in addition to being dangerous for your health, will not help you at all in your quest... )

The beautiful days have arrived and summer is approaching... what is a week?


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Le sport c’est parfois plus sympa avec ses plusieurs, alors on vous permet d’inviter un +1 à chacune de vos sessions. (session décomptée de votre compte)

Vous aurez l’option de réserver pour 2 personnes au moment de choisir votre session dans la Sanctuary App.

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Le système de crédits Aqua by

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the session type,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

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